ON THE SS163 “AMALFITANA” ALTERNATE ONE-WAY TO PIANO DI SORRENTO (NA) due to the detachment of a stone block from a ridge overlooking the state road during further activities, it will be necessary to close the road section to traffic, with on-site diversions — Vita Web TV

Naples, 17 June 2024

On the state road 163 “Amalfitana” the alternating one-way system has been temporarily established in the municipal area of ​​Piano di Sorrento (km 7,214) for the detachment of a stone block from a ridge overlooking the state road.

At the time of detachment, the nets present retained the material, without it spilling onto the road; However, during further checks the presence of further unstable stone materials was found.

Therefore, as part of the completion of today’s checks and the subsequent safety activity of the ridge by the Competent Third Party Bodiesit will be necessary to close the road section.

During this ban, traffic will be diverted onto alternative roads.

Anas, a company of the Infrastructure Hub of the FS Italiane Group, remembers that when you drive, Just Drive! No distractions, no alcohol, no drugs for your safety and that of others (Guidaebasta.it). For informed mobility, the evolution of the traffic situation in real time can also be consulted on all smartphones and tablets, thanks to the Anas “VAI” application, available free of charge in the “App store” and “Play store”. The “Pronto Anas” customer service can be reached by calling the toll-free number 800.841.148.

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