Cycling for those who can’t: seven cyclists in Rome to raise funds blessed by the Pope

Cycling for those who can’t: seven cyclists in Rome to raise funds blessed by the Pope
Cycling for those who can’t: seven cyclists in Rome to raise funds blessed by the Pope

Having left Faenza a week ago, the cyclists of “Pedaling for those who can’t” they arrived at Rome last Sunday. The goal of their undertaking was raise funds to help Faenza cooperative “In Cammino”which works with children with disabilities, to restore the flooded headquarters in via Fratelli Rosselli. The proceeds from the collection will in fact be used for the purchase of furnishings (tables, chairs, furniture and games) and thus allow children to return to the places dedicated to them. The seven cyclists are: Fabio Bacci, Mattia Tamburini, Fabrizio Donati, Andrea Forasassi, Mauro Montanari, Sabrina Gonelli and Flavia Stivari. With them, for a stretch of the road up to Florence, there was also the Rai commentator Davide Cassani, who followed the first phases of the company. «Four incredible stages due to the change in weather – he said Flavia Stivari – from the flood to the Tuscan sun and back to the rain in Rome. Share this beautiful project with six other beautiful souls in perfect synchronicity it was pure magic». The cyclists arrived in Rome last Sunday just in time for the‘Angelus of the Pope, who at the end of the Marian prayer blessed and greeted them. «Every moment remains in the heart – concluded Stivari – and above all the joy of the Pope’s greeting, the seal on ours businessnot to mention seeing the smile of some of the kids who will be able to take advantage of the room of emotions It is extraordinary”.

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