CSEN Regional Swimming Championship, inclusion wins in Catanzaro

Once again CSEN swimming has demonstrated that barriers and differences do not exist in sport. Promoting sport for one and all has always been a prerogative of the National Educational Sports Center – Regional Committee, which, with the support of the Swimming Sector and thanks to the collaboration of the FISDIR (Italian Paralympic Sports Federation of Relational Intellectuals), organized the second stage of the Regional Swimming Championshipsummer phase, which took place last Sunday.

A sporting event, which, in the splendid setting of the provincial swimming pool of Catanzaro, in the Giovino area, also hosted the FISDIR Championship, bringing together a total of two hundred and thirty athletes: two hundred able-bodied kids and thirty kids with disabilities, from the Polisportiva Team companies 14 of Reggio Calabria and ASD Nemo Cosenza, who competed in harmony, creating a real celebration of sporting inclusion.

Socialisation, sport and entertainment were the ingredients of the regional championship, which, as specified by the president of the Calabria CSEN Committee, Antonio Cairasaw both disabled and able-bodied athletes competing, by virtue of the now consolidated collaboration with the FISDIR, led by the regional delegate, Stefano Muraca.

“The dream of realizing concrete sporting inclusionborn many years ago, – declared Caira – more and more is being achieved in swimming, reaching large numbers, and little by little it is also becoming a reality in our other sports disciplines, thanks to the commitment, not only mine, but also of the entire CSEN team and the president of the Committee provincial of Catanzaro and national member, Francesco De Nardo. We are the only organization in Italy that aims at sporting inclusion and our events acquire not only a sporting flavour, but above all a social one”.

“Calabria CSEN – added the president of the Calabria Committee – is once again satisfied with this very successful event, both for the sporting objectives achieved, but above all for the socio-human ones. And for this success I cannot help but thank the regional manager of the swimming sector, Giovanni Gullo, who gave a precious contribution in organizing the Championship”.

Gullo also expressed his satisfaction with the excellent success of the event, which boasted impeccable organisation, many activities and many participants. Registration numbers that truly filled the regional swimming sector manager with pride: “among the companies participating in the Championship we had a new entry, Atlantis. New children, new members who have tried their hand at the various competitions and categories. So much participation that encourages everyone to do better and better.”

It was dutiful on the part of Caira and Gullo, then, torecognition to the Calabria Swim Race company, which manages the Giovino swimming pool, for the concession of the splendid facility truly worthy of large swimming events. A location that was able to properly welcome both the many athletes and the large audience that packed the stands. Many parents and family members who, with their applause, encouraged everyone and to whom the organizers would like to thank them.

Six amateur sports clubs and associations, coming from different parts of Calabria, therefore took part in the event, with athletes of all ages, who challenged themselves in the different heats, performed by both able-bodied and disabled children, with great passion. and enthusiasm, and above all with the desire to share a sporting experience, beyond the competitive results, which saw, at the end of the two summer stages of the CSEN regional championship, Rende Nuoto placed first with 653 points; second place Calabria Swim Race with 460 points; third place Atlantis Castrovillari with 438 points; fourth place in Cittanova Gymnasium with 266 points.

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