Councilor Galasso replies to the builders

FOGGIA The urban planning councilor of the Municipality of Foggia, Giuseppe Galasso, responds to the note released by the presidency of the building constructors: “We read with interest and attention the statement issued to the press by the president of Ance Foggia, Ivano Chierici, sharing and appreciating the need to avoid wasting any more time. However, it is important to underline that in the short period of operation, which I remember is less than half a year, the Episcopal Council has worked precisely to initiate what is necessary to ensure the city of Foggia the right urban, infrastructural and regenerative relaunch of an urban fabric that appears worn out and, in some respects, obsolete compared to the contingent needs of the city”.

The lack of approval of the Pug

“It is evident that many, too many, years have passed since the approval of the current Benevolo Prg (1992), which was followed only by the Pug DPPs drawn up by Karrer in the years 2005 and 2019, which, in turn, will have to be harmonized with the recent new regional legislation on Pugs. The past thirty years have given us not only the lack of approval of the Pug, long awaited by all economic and social sectors.

Social housing and litigation

Much more complex and conditioning, also the effects of an important urban planning activity (2013), better known as “social housing”: 27 interventions, which provide for the construction of 2,646 new dwellings of which 2,305 private (85%) and 400 residential social (15%), to be sold together with land on which the Municipality will be able to build a further 399 Ers accommodations at its own expense.

This is a program that did not end with the approval of the Puglia Region, which involves land covering over 70 hectares of surface area, with a forecast of almost 1 million cubic meters of residential properties which could influence the urban planning activity in consideration of the pending disputes .

The first degree sentences proved us right and on two of these, recently ruled by the TAR, we had different outcomes, one favorable to the Municipality and the other with an invitation to examine and conclude the old proceedings and further awaiting the TAR sentence .

Building renovation

It is also important to underline the intense work carried out by the Municipal Administration on the recent regional law 36/2023 on building renovation, despite to date only 6 municipalities out of 257 in Puglia have completed the adoption in the Municipal Council (Oria, Rutigliano, Massafra , Lesina, Lucera, Rodi Garganico, ed.) two of which without Vas procedure and a further one with Vas procedure.

The process to follow

The intense work carried out by the municipal technical offices, despite the well-known chronic staff shortages which they are trying to remedy, has allowed the administration to make public with the event of last April 15th the cartographic documents of the resolution approval, assigning a deadline of 15 days to receive suggestions even after the event. This method has allowed us to obtain 11 documents on which technical investigations are underway and which we expect to finish in the next few days with feedback being forwarded to the proponents. Subsequently, a further step will follow in the council commissions, complying with a specific commitment made in this sense, and the Vas procedure will be started which is expected to be completed within the maximum period of 30 days. Finally, we will have to proceed with the approval of the City Council, which, at present, as reported to us by the regional rapporteur Stefano Lacatena, is the subject of an in-depth analysis and evaluation by the competent offices regarding the need to carry it out with a double step ( adoption and approval) or a flat approval as done to date by the six municipalities that have adopted it.

“Articulate context”

As will be understood – we move in an extremely complex and articulated context which, unfortunately, requires timing that is not always in line with the expectations of stakeholders. This, of course, is not and should not be an alibi. For this reason, also in response to Ance’s manifest availability, together with the mayor Episcopo, we will meet the trade association to address the highlighted critical issues together and start a stable and fruitful dialogue which, it seems to me, has characterized our relations in recent months”

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