Security, D’Apuzzo: «Anti-Camorra observatory with the anti-clan magistrate Catello Maresca»

Politics & Work

Castellammare – Security, D’Apuzzo: «Anti-Camorra observatory with the anti-clan magistrate Catello Maresca»

The centre-right candidate for mayor: «For us, safety and legality are concrete battles, not chatter and propaganda».

Legality and security represent the absolute priorities of the centre-right electoral programme. Legality in facts, actions and planning. Safety of citizens and in all neighborhoods to make Castellammare di Stabia a city ready for real change. These are the programmatic lines of the centre-right illustrated in these weeks of the electoral campaign to the many neighborhood committees, associations and citizens met by the mayoral candidate Mario D’Apuzzo. And, this morning, the candidate spoke about it with Catello Maresca, a magistrate who with his investigations – among others – dismantled the Casalesi clan, capturing its leader, Michele Zagaria, after 15 years on the run.

“Maresca will support us in the creation of an anti-Camorra observatory through which to monitor the territory and create legality safeguards and collect information from the territory to transfer to the competent authorities. Knowledge and competence are the basis of good governance and a point of view like that of a magistrate like Maresca represents a unique opportunity to seriously address a topic that can neither be underestimated nor used for propaganda purposes – said Mario D’ Apuzzo. – For us, the fight against the clans is done with facts, not with words, much less with fake news to which the center-left has been reduced to having to resort”, added D’Apuzzo.

Together with the ten lists that make up the centre-right coalition, the lawyer D’Apuzzo intended to develop a program that aims at the safety of the neighborhoods by listening to the needs of the territory: combating illegal commercial construction, illegal construction, environmental crimes and all types of widespread illegality. This is to increase the sense of safety of citizens in all neighborhoods of Castellammare di Stabia
“To do this, synergy is needed with all the police forces, the judiciary, the prosecutor’s office

ra, the prefect and all the entities existing in the area. Only in this way can we eradicate illegality, both in the neighborhoods and in the centre, through prevention and contrast interventions”, said the mayoral candidate D’Apuzzo who envisaged strengthening the action of the municipal police, through the increase of men and means, and the implementation of the video surveillance system. “Action will be implemented aimed at combating illegal construction and commercial activity through constant monitoring,” he said. “Furthermore, training courses for young people will be launched with associations, schools, parishes and all the entities present in the area, in order to prevent school dropout and social hardship, which can be fertile ground for crime”. “The creation of spaces for aggregation and training also in confiscated assets and especially in neighborhoods where the presence of organized crime is widespread, will allow us to keep our young people away from the Camorra”, said D’Apuzzo again. “Removing resources and means from the Camorra will be the basis of our commitment and will take place through concrete actions,” he underlined. “The Camorra must be asphyxiated and opposed in all its forms. The valorisation of confiscated assets represents a way to erase the Camorra from our territories and, through the culture of legality and repression and prevention activities, we can make Castellammare an increasingly liveable and welcoming city”.
D’Apuzzo finally invited all citizens to actively participate in the political life of the city and to support him in this challenge. “Only with everyone’s commitment and participation can we achieve change. Choosing Stabia means this: building a better future for our community.”

Tuesday 4 June 2024 – 1.30pm | © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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