The ACLI of Pesaro Urbino in audience with the Pope – Diocese of Fano Fossombrone Cagli Pergola

The ACLI of Pesaro Urbino in audience with the Pope – Diocese of Fano Fossombrone Cagli Pergola
The ACLI of Pesaro Urbino in audience with the Pope – Diocese of Fano Fossombrone Cagli Pergola

On Saturday 1 June the Holy Father received the ACLI in audience on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of its foundation. Over 6000 members participated from all over Italy, including a delegation from the Pesaro ACLI made up of 103 members from various clubs in the province. Present at the head were the ACLI National President Emiliano Manfredonia, the ACLI Sports Union National President Damiano Lembo and the entire management. A moment of profound communion that warmed the hearts of those present who animated the audience by waving their yellow handkerchiefs for the entrance of the Holy Father. A meeting marked by the strong appeal for peace and preceded by the words of Father Giacomo Costa sj, spiritual assistant of the ACLI. Father Costa recalled that the Acli “smell of a neighborhood” due to the struggle and the civil and civic commitment among the people. In his speech Pope Francis underlined the five characteristics of the ACLI style: the popular stylewhich is more than being close to the people, but consists in promoting projects starting from the bottom in a perspective of solidarity and a creative and dynamic sense of belonging, finding form in the vocation of the clubs that are always “open doors” and that help to move from I to we; the synodal style which brings together people from different backgrounds to walk together and mix with an eye that is always attentive to the weakest; the democratic style which is a further distinctive feature since in the ACLI there is space for everyone and they give voice and support to young people, women, immigrants, fragile workers and the elderly, the latter often rejected by society; the peaceful style it is a further element that makes ACLI a strong voice for spreading the culture of peace in the workplace, in families, in living environments, remembering that peace workers are those who go beyond political compromise to take the risk of taking position clearly. In the end the Christian style, synthesis and root of the association, since only in the life of Jesus is it possible to find inspiration. Taking on this style means going beyond the encounter and growing in familiarity with Christ to make him present in the world. The Holy Father encouraged all those present to continue with joy and hope in this commitment following the inspiration of Saint Francis to build a new dream of friendship and brotherhood. At the end of the audience, during the greetings among the crowd, the Lucrezia APS Seniors Social Center Club gave the Pope three gifts created by the volunteers: two portraits in half-stitch and watercolor embroidery and a plaque marking the 80th anniversary of its foundation with the technique with markers. Upon leaving the Sala Nervi, in St. Peter’s Square, the supporters started a flashmob to celebrate peace.

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