No confidence in the RSU presidency of the Cosenza hospital, reply from the Cgil RSU member

The Annunziata hospital in Cosenza

«Among the many problems that the workers of the Cosenza AO face every day to keep things going, among the grueling shifts which they complete with sacrifice and dedication, some RSU members, hopping from one union acronym to another, create a horrifying scenario, not accepting the rules that they themselves have signed and acting illegitimately: self-convening and disheartening the RSU President and appointing new leaders MSW.

It should be noted that if they had acted in correct compliance with the current regulation we would have democratically accepted the majority’s choice but this was not the case and we ask ourselves: why not participate in the official meetings complete with invitation and booked venue?

Why not call all the RSU members (21 elected) to this pseudo-assembly?

What are the interests that drive you to distrust the president unanimously voted to contest the work of a serious person, specifies that she has never held back from fulfilling her duty as President of the RSU? Where are the principles of democracy?

Perhaps because you want to get a result on a job that is almost finished: a planning already started with the company with respect to the Dep, to the vertical economic progressions, all contractual institutions concluded.

Aware of the fracture we cannot accept the disrespectful modus operandi of the rules. In fact, in compliance with the regulations, we are ready to continue the activity even with a change of leadership but everything must happen with the convening of the entire RSU (21 members) in a transparent way, giving freedom of thought to everyone.

To date, we consider illegitimate the election and the attempted change which took place in an unspecified place and without a report highlighting the place, time, interventions and the invitation to the participation of all 21 componentsit’s a sad story…but we continue and will continue to work for the employees!

However, it is necessary to make a consideration: If we don’t respect the rules signed by ourselves, what vision do we have and will have for the future?

This is a black page that must make us all reflect. In the meantime we remain confident in being able to discuss in the upcoming RSU Assembly already called, in a democratic and effective manner for the good of the employees of the Cosenza Hospital”, concludes the RSU CGIL.

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