Elections of Quinto di Treviso, Miglioranza: “I’m worried about disaffection, it is necessary to rebuild the social fabric”

Reading time: 3 minutes approximately

The “Per Quinto” list espouses the values ​​of associative life and supports the candidacy of Luca Miglioranza for mayor of Quinto di Treviso, who will be present at the public debate tomorrow evening with the challengers Durigon and Sartori

“Per Quinto” he chose as his guide Luca Miglioranza: married, with two children, sales manager in the fruit and vegetable sector, committed Alpine and has always participated in the life of the association. His list does not enjoy the support of any party and declares itself to be a genuinely civic list, but this does not mean that it demonstrates that it does not have clear ideas about what the Municipality of Quinto di Treviso needs.

Tomorrow evening he will be present at the public debate open to the citizens of Quinto, together with the challengers Sartori and Durigon.

Why did you choose to run?

The desire that pushed me is to relaunch our country. It’s time to change course and ensure a future for the Municipality of Quinto and Santa Cristina.

Three words to describe his journey.

Charm, commitment and gratitude. It was and continues to be a fascinating journey because I came into contact with new people who I didn’t know, but who demonstrated the same love for the area as me, also by getting involved and becoming active citizens. However, it is also a demanding path: I am used to working a lot, but choosing to work for your country is a significant responsibility. Finally, I am very grateful to the citizens, because I am receiving respect and encouragement from many people and I would never have expected it: this gives me great satisfaction and also great energy.

The most ambitious project planned?

Definitely getting the administrative machine back in motion, with all that comes from it: we need the support of competent and professional people who give their contribution to the administration and we therefore need new trained staff to be included in the Municipality.

What is closest to my heart is giving back a soul to our country, a sense of belonging that has been missing over time. To do this we need the collaboration of local associations and citizens because they are the ones who are clear about what is needed to Fifth to rebuild its social fabric.

Biggest concern or challenge?

I’m not worried about projects, but disaffection. This chasm that has been created between citizens and the administration must be filled, we need to mend relationships, but to do so we also need the will of the citizens who have felt betrayed and abandoned in recent years. It will take years to regain their trust. A mayor is like a head of the family and as such he must know and deal with his family’s problems and this is a great challenge.

Why choose his list?

In these years of administration the “Per Quinto” civic list has always listened to citizens and associations, understanding their needs and accepting their proposals. Furthermore, we are a civic group, free from parties and all those political mechanisms that have worn Quinto down in recent years. We have within us personalities coming from different worlds, who in fact perfectly represent the varied Quintina reality, but who have also already had the opportunity to deal with the management of a municipal administration. In short, we are ready.

Gaia Zuccolotto

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