New life for the Liberty buildings in Piazzale Marconi

A conservative restoration to enhance the Liberty face of the station, but also new functions for the two historic buildings overlooking Piazzale Marconi.

Starting from the new headquarters ofLocal public transport agency, a newspaper library for waiting passengers, the Observatory for sustainable mobility, a co-working space open to start-ups and a refreshment area that enhances the short and sustainable supply chain. To do all this, the TPL Agency and the Province of Bergamo have signed a memorandum of understanding, a prerequisite for the acquisition of the two buildings owned by the State Property.

The valorization program will be presented to the state body in the coming weeks, «even if – mentions the president of the Agency Angela Ceresoli – we have had informal discussions with the State Property Office and the Superintendency and the path taken seems to be the right one: maintaining a public function linked to mobility, but projected towards the future». Openings are also planned in the evening (at least until the last tram), the creation of a safe haven for mothers, a charging space for those who travel with electric bikes or for those who need an internet connection.

How the process will proceed

Once the evaluation process by the State Property Office has been completed, the transfer of the properties to the Province will be possible and their restoration and re-functionalization can be planned, works worth around one million euros. The project is part of the Porta Sud plan, promoted by the Municipality of Bergamo, Sistemiurbani and Vitali spa. It was the president of via Tasso Pasquale Gandolfi, last week, who revealed the future of the historic buildings, during the presentation of the exchange of ownership close with the Municipality of Bergamo, an operation which is part of the urban regeneration of Porta Sud. While the square of Arriva bus (ex Sab) stops at

Palafrizzoni, the neighboring Art Nouveau buildings are set to be “de-owned”, the future asset of the Province. A path started together with the Tpl Agency: «The signing of this protocol – states President Gandolfi – marks a decisive step in the process of redevelopment of a strategic area of ​​the city which is a communication gateway to the entire provincial territory».

«Just this week – explains the president of the Tpl Agency Ceresoli – the technicians held a meeting to make the project compatible with the layout of Porta Sud». There are many development forecasts for the two buildings. «The idea is that it is a point of reference for sustainable mobility, a new public space open to citizens, not only for those who have to use means of transport, but also a place for meeting and socializing. The stations are rethought as information points, “educational” and “convivial” places, based on the combination of culture and associative life”. Here are the new features. In the Val Brembana station, on the ground floor, spaces for associations and the Observatory on sustainable mobility, with library, reading room and information point. The first floor (now Arriva offices) becomes a space for co-working and a temporary support point for professionals. On the second and third floors the office function is preserved, but with the new headquarters of the Bergamo TPL Agency. The refreshment point will remain in the Val Seriana station, but will probably be entrusted to an association that promotes the local supply chain and sustainability. On the upper floor the residential function remains (today it is the caretaker’s house), but as a guesthouse for scholars and artists.

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