Anselmo drops the bomb: avalanches of money to ‘friends of friends’

Anselmo drops the bomb: avalanches of money to ‘friends of friends’
Anselmo drops the bomb: avalanches of money to ‘friends of friends’

by Nicolò Govoni

Private concerts with citizens’ money, political propaganda paid for by who knows who, ‘friends of friends’ who collect almost a million euros of taxpayers’ money.

There is all this in the latest press conference of the centre-left civic candidate Fabio Anselmo. A press conference during which the lawyer, who has become famous for his defense of human rights, literally drops a bomb.

In essence Anselmo asks clarifications from the Fabbri administration on the organization of major events and the use of public moneyfollowing up on questions by Anna Ferraresi and Davide Nanni. And, without mincing words, invites the mayor’s spokesperson, Michele Lecci (already known for the elusive shitstorming and who manages the mayor’s social pages) to clarify his position after the condemnation of the Communications Guarantor for propaganda with taxpayers’ money.

“We are not opposed to concerts, but we don’t want the people of Ferrara to pay them without going there”, clarifies Anselmo. But the point is that “in the last five years substantial sums of money have been paid by entities that have nothing to do with concerts, such as Amsef, Ferrara Tua, Municipality of Ferrara, and municipal pharmacies; and this partly with regular tenders, partly as linked sponsorships always to the same subjects. I understand that significant sums of money are linked to sponsored activities or direct assignments: add to this that the tenders in the last two years have seen winners the assignees of certain activities or people linked to them”.

By ‘people related to them’ Anselmo indicates the classic ‘friends of friends’. Specifically, the lawyer mentions the name of Fabio Marzola, for years manager of the Madam nightclub, in which – the candidate points out – Michele Lecci, now spokesperson for the mayor, worked for years (it is not known whether the one carried out by Lecci whether paid work or simple volunteering).

“The name of Fabio Marzola – attacks Anselmo – he figures in almost all these associations and societies, and has been the main interlocutor of the Municipality for these events since 2019-2020”. And the common denominator between Alan Fabbri and Marzola “is Michele Lecci, the mayor’s spokesperson. He was communications manager at Madame Butterfly: is it a coincidence that the fortunes of Marzola, who previously owned Madam, began in 2019? Maybe it’s a coincidence, but it’s fruitful for him 900 thousand euros from 2019 to 2023”.

I am not saying that the payment of these sums is illegal”, specifies the mayoral candidate. “I wonder if it’s right. Cui prodest? Fabbri must give an answer: because these sums are added to further sums for other events.”

Another concept expressed by the civic is that a public space cannot be sacrificed for private purposes and profits: “What is the return? If we seize a square and commercial activities, who benefits? I add: all these companies involved in the events are based in via Padova, at the same street number. Another coincidence. What is the point that drives a good administration to pay such large sums of money to finance events that should finance themselves? What does Amsef gain in terms of image by paying 213 thousand euros for sponsorship in 2023 alone? I can understand private companies that have an image benefit, but Amsef? And your Ferrara?”.

But it’s not just Marzola in the ‘friends’ column. Another name that Anselmo pulls out of the hat is that of Nicola Borsetti, owner of a communications agency and appointed president of the Ente Palio during the Fabbri administration.

The centre-left candidate recalls that the funeral services agency, controlled by the Municipality, Amsef, has provided as much as 500 thousand euros in sponsorships to Borsetti in recent years: “These are simple questions: why doesn’t anyone answer? What is the meaning of the Amsef logo in organizing a concert? I’m not saying it’s illegal: but what is the image gain?”.

“I could understand – he concedes – if it was a prudent investment in the interests of city ​​as a moment of national, European and even global attraction, as the exhibitions at Palazzo dei Diamanti could have been. Welcome. But not for this stuff here: Monsterland, Oktoberfest, there’s nothing Ferrarese about it.”

Also because if a lot of money is given to private individuals for private initiatives, the blanket becomes short for public services: “the ASP no longer has resourcesand its balance sheet has been the same since 2019: the 7.5 million invested there are not that many”.

“I don’t want to abolish concerts – specifies Anselmo -. But we have a core of suffering in this city, the fragile parts of the population are in difficulty and so the associations, who try to make up for the lack of public service intervention”.

Finally, the lawyer turns directly to Fabbri’s spokesperson, Lecci, who films every electoral appointment of the mayor with videos: “You are working for the mayor, and you are paid by the municipality. These days you are working for his election campaign. So who pays you? Who manages the Fabbri page? Even because Agcom spoke of public resources used for private purposes. Who pays for the communication of Alan Fabbri and the League? Who pays Lecci? Does he work to promote Alan Fabbri or the Municipality?”.

We are citizens and we have the right to have answers”, concludes Anselmo. “I say to the city: don’t give up, vote without getting distracted, for whoever you want: but let it be a conscious vote”.

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