“Fabbrica Europa”, Mancuso welcomes the appeal of Calabrian industrialists

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the intervention

The League’s candidate for the European elections: «Digital and ecological transition are pillars of the future political agenda»

Published on: 03/06/2024 – 10:56

CATANZARO «There is no doubt that the digital and ecological transition, the strengthening of infrastructure and social cohesion must be the pillars of the future European political agenda. Precisely for this reason, I welcome the contents of the “Fabbrica Europa” appeal launched by the leaders of Confindustria Calabria, exponents of a crucial sector for achieving serious development prospects”. This is what Filippo Mancuso, Lega candidate for the European Parliament in the southern constituency, says. «If Europe is not able to face the titanic global challenges by favoring the productive world, not only will the conditions for sustainable growth not be created, but – adds Mancuso – it will not be possible to stem the social inequalities that have worsened in recent years. The first to benefit from a productive and dynamic industrial world are the workers and the territories.” For Filippo Mancuso «equal attention must be paid to the future of work when planning the future of Calabria and the South from a European perspective. It is necessary, as Europe repeats to us, to dedicate time and resources to the challenges of digitalisation, ecological transition and social inclusion, but without forgetting that in Southern Italy there is an absolute need to broaden the employment base and stop the flight of young people who they leave in search of opportunity. An alarming phenomenon that concerns us all, each for their own responsibility, because while it disappoints the expectations of our young people, it depletes the social capital of the South, which is indispensable, in the knowledge society, for any realistic redemption project.”

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