Knife fight in the bar, 37 year old very serious – Pescara

Knife fight in the bar, 37 year old very serious – Pescara
Knife fight in the bar, 37 year old very serious – Pescara

PESCARA. The meeting at the bar to resolve an issue, perhaps sentimental, ended in stabbings between two young people originally from Atri and living in Pescara. Since yesterday one of the two, LC 37 years old, has been in very serious condition, hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Pescara hospital while the other, CDG 38, was arrested in the evening on charges of attempted murder. The Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit directed by the captain are dealing with the case Giuseppe Sicuro and coordinated by the prosecutor Fabiana Rapino.
It all happened in the early afternoon, shortly after 3.30 pm along the National Adriatic North. The bar chosen for the clarifying appointment between the two is the Olimpia bar, practically opposite the Globo. From an initial reconstruction, the two enter the room already arguing, so much so that the confrontation doesn’t even begin, because it immediately goes from shouting to punching. A sudden violence that takes everyone in the club by surprise. Among the first to intervene, in an attempt to quell the argument, is the owner of the bar who gets in the way, tries to separate them, unaware of the fact that one of the two is armed with a knife. He really risks the unaware bartender, because shortly thereafter one of the litigants pulls out his knife and hits the other. Not once but, from what emerges from the first investigations, several times, injuring the 37-year-old in the chest and arms, probably while he was trying to protect himself from those unexpected blows. A few moments pass and the two find themselves outside the club. The 37-year-old is bleeding visibly, and the traces of that blood are all on the pavement, stains of a fury that under the first summer sun leaves the many who pass by speechless. But at the moment there isn’t even time to understand what’s happening, because the litigants quickly disappear, each going their own way. The injured young man’s white t-shirt is soaked in blood, but despite this, almost certainly in an attempt to reach the hospital, he goes to the house, a stone’s throw from the bar, takes the white Beverly and sets off towards the centre. He has almost reached Piazza Duca when, at the intersection with Via Settembrini, the 37-year-old, exhausted from the blood he continues to lose, has the clarity to pull the motorbike over. And then he collapses to the ground. Anyone who sees him thinks it was an accident, but in the meantime the police were alerted from the bar. When the investigators arrive, they immediately find that boy in desperate conditions. There is also 118. The paramedics load the young man into the ambulance and take him to the emergency room in code red. LC has serious wounds and hemorrhagic foci in the brain. He is sedated and admitted to intensive care, while the young man’s parents arrive at the hospital, alarmed but still unaware of what really happened.
Meanwhile, the work of the investigators continues. The attacker, who, wounded in the arms and with various bruises on the face, had taken refuge in a nearby supermarket, calls 112 himself. He is taken to the Chieti hospital for treatment. He was discharged after a couple of hours with a 7-day prognosis due to facial trauma and a few scratches on his arms. And from the hospital, CDG is taken directly to the barracks in Pescara in custody.
At the end of the evening, after the military managed to reconstruct the dynamics of the events in record time, the 38-year-old was declared under arrest for attempted murder. The reason for the argument would seem sentimental, for a disputed woman. But it cannot be ruled out that the two young people, already known to the police, got into that furious argument over issues related to something else.

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