Weather, today’s minimum temperatures: +12°C in Sassari

Weather, today’s minimum temperatures: +12°C in Sassari
Weather, today’s minimum temperatures: +12°C in Sassari

Sunday 2 June will be characterized by instability, with scattered showers and thunderstorms, due to the arrival from France of a disturbance associated with a low pressure vortex. A further influx of humid currents from the Mediterranean will also fuel instability in part of the South. Below are the minimum temperatures register Today, June 2in some Italian locations.

Minimum temperatures today June 2, 2024

  • +9°C in L’Aquila, Arezzo
  • +12°C in Bolzano, Alessandria, Siena, Viterbo, Sassari, Alghero
  • +13°C in Trento, Vercelli, Varese, Bergamo, Treviso, Avellino, Pescara
  • +14°C in Turin, Biella, Monza, Udine, Pordenone, Piacenza, Modena, Perugia, Terni, Frosinone, Benevento, Campobasso
  • +15°C in Novara, Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Cesena, Pesaro, Macerata, Chieti, Enna, Oristano
  • +16°C in Rome, Verona, Savona, Imperia, Parma, Forlì, Latina, Naples, Cosenza, Catanzaro, Cagliari
  • +17°C in Venice, Milan, Trieste, Genoa, Bologna, La Spezia, Rimini, Salerno, Ancona, Fermo, Pantelleria
  • +18°C in Catania, Caltanissetta
  • +19°C in Termoli, Bisceglie, Bari, Brindisi, Lecce, Taranto
  • +20°C in Barletta, Messina, Syracuse
  • +21°C in Palermo, Agrigento, Syracuse

Below are the links for direct access to the pages with the weather forecasts, particularly accurate in detail, for the geographical areas of Italy (links can also always be reached from the menu at the top of all the pages of the site):

Weather Forecasts Region by Region:

To monitor the situation as best as possible weather forecast in real time, below we provide a list of pages with all the useful information to follow the meteorological nowcasting minute by minute:

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