fine of 6 thousand euros and business closed La Nuova Sardegna

fine of 6 thousand euros and business closed La Nuova Sardegna
fine of 6 thousand euros and business closed La Nuova Sardegna

Olbia. THE carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Olbia, yesterday evening, Friday 31 May, they put in place a extraordinary control activities in the municipal territories of Olbia And Golfo Aranci«aimed – we read in a note – at the prevention and repression of conduct delinquent And deviantsas well as the protection of the numerous resident citizens and tourists who are increasingly frequenting the streets and public places of the nightlife of Olbia and the Costa Smeralda”.

«There were numerous checks on people and vehicles – continues the note -, during which the identity documents and of guidein addition to the verification of any drivers under theeffect of alcohol you hate narcotic substance. Fortunately the checks returned a situation positiveas no one was found driving in a state of alcohol intoxication or under the influence of drugs.”

The police also concentrated on commercial establishments. During the check, the soldiers of the Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate Unit of Sassari ascertained in a pub «the presence of a illegal worker. The irregularity cost the owner an administrative fine of more than 6 thousand euros and the temporary closure of the business.”

Carabinieri checks will continue until September on several fronts with the aim of guaranteeing a safe summer for residents and tourists, along the coastal strip that goes from the north of the island to Porto San Paolo. The activity saw the identification of approximately 150 people30 cars, the control of 5 commercial businesses and the use of approximately 30 soldiers in uniform and plain clothes.

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