From bergamot a medicine for the treatment of dementia and brain damage

From bergamot a medicine for the treatment of dementia and brain damage
From bergamot a medicine for the treatment of dementia and brain damage

The trial, which benefited from the collaboration with the Sant’Anna Institute of Crotone, recorded a significant reduction in pain for some pathologies

The hope of being able to use engineered bergamot essential oil (nanoBEO) against dementia or pathologies with serious brain damage as yet without a therapy is increasingly concrete. This is the development of an innovative study by Unical which, after years of research and experimentation, has finally reached the last step of verification in the clinic, then – if the results are confirmed positive – it will become a marketed drug. The project was selected by the Calabria Region within the INGEGNO showcase as a collaboration between the world of university research (Unical) and the world of business (Sant’Anna Institute for Severe Brain Injuries of Crotone).

In recent days, in the press room of the “Beniamino Andreatta” conference center of the University of Calabria, in the presence of Fincalabra officials, Adele Cascio and Carlo di Noia, the state of the art of this research called “RIABEO” was taken stock. ” (improvement of neuro-REhabilitative processes through the use of an innovative nanotechnological system for the release of Bergamot essential oil for the treatment of pain). On this important day, Damiana Scuteri and Loris Pignolo, identified within the temporary association of purpose as coordinators of the project on behalf of Unical and its partner Istituto Sant’Anna, presented the positive results of the research.

The control operated by NanoBEO on agitation (approximately 30% reduction in the Cohen & Mansfield test) and pain (approximately 45% reduction in the I-MOBID2 test) in non-communicative subjects with severe dementia proved to be particularly effective. The results were highly appreciated by the technical evaluators of Fincalabra, who expressed a very positive opinion on the management of the project and excellent with regards to the innovativeness of the nanotechnology which has now reached the maturation phase close to transfer to the clinic. The results are currently being evaluated for publication in an indexed sector journal and suggest a positive industrial development.

Research at the University of Calabria on the analgesic properties of bergamot essential oil started way back in 2004 from the studies of the professor of Pharmacology, Giacinto Bagetta, in collaboration with Unicz and Unige, first, and with the Daiichi Pharmaceutical University of Fukuoka and with Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Sendai, subsequently. The project obtained significant funding under Por Calabria in 2022 which allowed it to reach the final validation phase.

«At the end of a long and difficult process – explained the prof. Giacinto Bagetta – a significant result has arrived. It is necessary, in addition to the invaluable support of Fincalabra, to highlight the important collaboration of many professionals in addition to the researchers of Unical and the Sant’Anna Institute to whom my particular thanks obviously go. The success of the entire project, right from its initial stages, is also the result of the support received from Monica Filice, Giuliana Carravetta, Andrea Attanasio and Massimo Paturzo and from the other technicians of the Research, Development, Innovation and Social Impact Area (ARIIS ). Furthermore, the administrative support of the SSN Pharmacy Department with the manager Francesco Portadibasso and his collaborators Giuliana Manna and Giuseppe Oliva was also very important. Finally, special thanks are addressed to the health departments, the psychologists, the health workers of the health residences who spontaneously collaborated in the success of the research project, as well as to the patients and their families”.

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