How much do business angels invest in startups in Italy?

How much do business angels invest in startups in Italy?
How much do business angels invest in startups in Italy?

From a survey conducted by IBAN, it emerges that Italian financiers participated in operations worth approximately 680 million euros

In 2023, Italian business angels participated, independently and in syndication, with venture capital funds in investment operations for a total of approximately 680 million euros in Italian startups and in foreign startups with Italian founders. A figure down by 58% compared to 2022 but, in any case, almost double if you look at the data from 3 years ago, there were 376 million euros. The numbers were released in a survey developed by IBAN, theItalian Association of Business Angelsand conducted with the scientific supervision of the professor Vincenzo Capizzi of the University of Eastern Piedmont and SDA Bocconi. Let’s find out all the details together.

Read also: VC investments are decreasing. What to do to make startups more attractive?

Business angels and investments

The analysis carried out by IBAN reveals that the business angels who have independently invested in Italian startups is just over 39 million euros, distributed over a slightly higher number of operations compared to 2022 (75 instead of 72). The data highlights how almost 1 in 3 investments created independently by sia business angels exceeding 500 thousand euroswhile the amount is greater than 200 thousand euros in almost half of the operations. For Italian business angels, investments in syndication with VC funds represent almost all of the operations monitored, for a total sum which in 2023 was 639 million eurosdistributed over 117 operations in total.

Last update: 05/31/2024

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