Balneari, FdI asks the Chamber to open a conflict of attribution to the Consulta – News

Balneari, FdI asks the Chamber to open a conflict of attribution to the Consulta – News
Balneari, FdI asks the Chamber to open a conflict of attribution to the Consulta – News

Following the latest ruling of the VII section of the Council of State on beach concessions, the group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber, Tommaso Foti, sent a letter to the president of the Chamber, Lorenzo Fontana, asking to raise the conflict of attribution towards the highest body of administrative justice.

“We look with concern at the latest pronouncement of the Council of State, where in several points it seems to go beyond the powers of administrative justice and ends up invading the legislative sphere of Parliament”, declared Foti in a note.

“In this latest ruling – continues the FdI group leader – the Council of State once again reaffirms its competence not only with regard to the “obligation to disapply contrary national provisions” but also clarifies that, according to the interpretation supported, this disapplication must take place “without this being conditioned or prevented by interventions by the legislator”. legal provisions”.

“We therefore believe it is unavoidable that the Constitutional Court should decide on the correct exercise of jurisdictional power. We do so – concludes Foti – in defense of a body elected directly by the people which must maintain the right to be able to exercise its prerogatives, with the carrying out of functions attributed to it by the Constitution”.

M5s: ‘The government wants to move from ‘no tenders’ to scam tenders’

“Now that the electoral rallies are intensifying, in the government there are those like Salvini who are preparing a major about-face on state concessions. The “no to tenders” is no longer an immovable position, also because after the warnings from the EU and the rulings of the Council of State the sector would remain in absolute chaos. The government’s ploy seems to be to fall back on tenders, but well aimed at protecting those who have perhaps had the concession for decades. In short, we could move from “no tenders” to one a scam tender system, if we want, even worse than the encrusted system of direct concessions that we have been dragging behind us for decades”. M5s senator Marco Croatti stated this in a note.

As M5s we reiterate that the 2022 Competition bill, which Salvini voted for, contained all the necessary protections for virtuous companies, in addition to the necessary guarantees for the State and for workers in the sector which do not exist to date. Competitions aimed at “friends” and “friends of friends” would be an ignoble epilogue to the whole affair. Meanwhile, the season started over the weekend just ended, and entrepreneurs are navigating in the dark.” This was stated in a note by M5s senator Marco Croatti.

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