Lane advances in the playoffs: double trip to Padova. Avellino is in the semi-finals tomorrow

The Lane players greet the fans at the end of the playoff match in Padua – photo Sartore from the LR Vicenza Facebook page

Still four in the running, but only one prize up for grabs. That is, promotion to Serie B, through the back door. After the success in the Veneto derby of the Serie C playoffs with the Padua eliminated – 2-0 for the red and whites of LR Vicenza last Wednesday at Menti and the 0-1 in favor away on Saturday at Euganeo – the ride towards the coveted promotion of the red and whites resumes immediately, with suitcase and bag already in hand in view of the departure for Campania and precisely for Irpinia , where the first act of the semi-final opens, in the home ofAvellino.

Play tomorrow night at 9pm the first leg match, the return match in Vicenza on Sunday evening of next week (same time). Avellino is a very formidable team, capable of achieving a great feat in these playoffs by overcoming Catania (2-1 on Saturday, neutralizing the 1-0 in favor of the Etna team in the first leg), and thanks to a second place in the regular season in group C of Serie C. In the other semi-final, another team from Campania competes, Benevento (1-0 and 0-0 with the Sardinians of Torres) and the Tuscans of Carrarese (double “winning” draw of 1-1 and 2- 2 oust Juventus Next Gen). It is important to remember that the regulation from the semi-finals onwards cancels the dowry advantages from the championship ranking: Avellino and LR Vicenza start on equal terms, and in the event of a tie after the two matches, extra time and penalties will decide the outcome.

The red and white match against the green and white tomorrow evening will be broadcast live on Rai channel 58 Raisport. On the disciplinary front, no Berici players have been disqualified but three have been warned: in addition to Captain Golemic, Ronaldo and Rossi are also banned. Problems in the midfield for coach Stefano Vecchi, after the double match against the Venetian neighbors left a legacy of injuries to Cavion and Tronchin: the close matches leave no room for recovery from ailments. After the match winning goal From the Death on Saturday evening, the red and whites’ playoff journey consisted of 4 goals scored and zero conceded – with a “thank you” to the two woodwork hit by Padova between the first and second legs -. To remember it 0-1 in Puglia (in favour) and 0-0 at Menti with Taranto in their post-season debut.

To the 10,800 of the Menti Stadium they responded Saturday evening with 8,500 attendees – the maximum limit of the current capacity of the Padua stadium – the fans present in Padua, of which there were 1,500 from Vicenza. Due to the launch of a smoke bomb on the pitchthe Serie C Sports Judge has the Vicenza club was fined 400 euros. It should be remembered that due to the throwing of a firecracker from the grandstand occupied by Padova fans on Saturday towards the sector reserved for visiting supporters, a 34-year-old from Vicenza lost a finger after being admitted to the emergency room.

The red and white supporters at the Euganeo Stadium on Saturday (photo Sartore from the LR Vicenza Facebook page)



Padua (3-5-2): Donnarumma; Belli, Delli Carri, Faedo; Villa (59′ Favale), Varas, Radrezza, Cretella (59′ Tordini), Capelli (45′ Valente); Zamparo (59′ Palombi), Bortolussi (70′ Liguori). Coach: Massimo Oddo
Available: Mangiaracina, Zanellati, Rossi, Crisetig, Fusi, Dezi, Crescenzi, Bianchi, Kirwan.

LR Vicenza (3-5-2): Confente; Cuomo, Golemic, Laezza; De Col, Tronchin (37′ Pellegrini), Ronaldo (87′ Rossi), Greco, Costa (87′ Sandon); Della Morte (72′ Talarico), Ferrari (87′ Delle Monache). Coach: Stefano Vecchi
Available: Massolo, Gallo, Fantoni, Lattanzio, Mogentale, Rossi, Proia, Busato, Conzato.

Net: 40′ Of Death (LRV)

Just after the goal (photo Sartore from LR Vicenza Facebook page)
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