«Copper cable thieves caught, thanks to videos of the theft»

Yes they were climbed up the poles in the middle of the night which connect the user network with a ladder and they had stolen copper wires from the telephone lineleaving san entire fraction of Adria without the network; Bellombra and part of the town of Papozze. After weeks of investigations by the Carabinieri of Adria and Rovigo, the acrobatic thieves have been identified. No trace, however, of the loot at the moment: more than two kilometers of copper wires stolen from the network which runs along a long Pula stretch of the Eridania.

The gang filmed

The one who carried out the maxi-coup, in early April, along the regional Alto Polesana 482, was a Roma ethnic group settled in the areaidentified thanks to a video of the attack recorded by some passers-by. More than a few drivers, on the night the copper theft occurred, had in fact reported the presence of some people on social mediaalong the Eridania, intent on climbing with a ladder on top of the network pylons of utilities. The unusual scene was also filmed with a mobile phone and subsequently published on social media. Thanks precisely to those images where you could clearly see the large displacement car used from the acrobatic thieves, the military would have managed to trace the authors of the theft which occurred in early April.

The network still doesn’t work

After two months, meanwhile the telephone network in the hamlet of Bellombra and in Papozze has not yet been restored. A huge inconvenience for approximately 150 familiesof which many elderly people who, after the theft of the copper, were no longer able to use their home telephone. It is also impossible to connect to the internet to work or send a simple email. «We have asked Tim several timesmanager of part of the plundered line (but there would also be customers of others managed dependent on the two “switched off” exchanges) to restore the telephone connection – explains the mayor of Adria Massimo Barbujani -. The promise is that of a restoration soon. Let’s hope this is really the case. The inconveniences for the population are serious.” Timin the meantime, has made it known that proceeded to sort the stolen material to allow reactivation. From the 14th day without lineusers will also be able to ask for the compensation for the disservice, in the manner indicated in the respective contract. After two months, the telephones in the hamlet are, however, still inactive and the area remains, to the anger and bewilderment of the residents, still isolated.

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