Velletri mourns the death of Ismail, at just 44 years old – The memory of Graziano Cedroni: “Have a good trip, Lion of Senegal”

Sense of emptiness and emotion, a Velletrifor the many patrons of the “La Passeggiata” shopping center, as soon as they learned of the premature passing of Ismaila (for all Ismail or Isma), who just passed away 44 years oldin the midst of a life that had led him to leave Africa, and his Senegal, to seek fortune in the beautiful country. Precisely in Velletri, where he had lived for more than 15 years, he had had no difficulty in making himself appreciated and loved, with his kind ways, his cheerfulness and affability.

His heart stopped in a bed of Umberto I Polyclinic of Romewhere he surrendered as his health deteriorated, now suffering from the effects of a bad illness.

They were the ones who pushed him to come to Velletri Dauda Diophis close friend, and the late Daniele Fontanacolumn of the “Augustus” multiplex cinema, where Ismail worked for a long time, in support of the activities of the Fontana family, to which he was linked by many adventures and an indissoluble bond, which involved the entire family, including his wife and daughters .

The entire Fontana family is mourning him in these hours, with in mind David, now owner of the “Alfellini” Cinema in Grottaferrata, who even took a trip to Senegal in 2011, with Ismail and Dauda, ​​to the places of their childhood, between Kaolack, Dakar and the Touba mosque. “I carry an immense sadness in my heart.” Davide’s words, with his voice broken by tears. “They were 15 beautiful days – says Davide -, it was dad’s dream to go to Senegal with them but he was afraid of the plane, so I went and it was as if he had made that trip together with us…”.

To remember him, today, too Graziano Cedroni, shopping center manager “The walk”, where Ismail had been a regular for years, working as a caretaker and do-it-all man, to be of support to anyone who needed “a hand”, in exchange for a smile and a bit of humanity.

“Hello my friend…Today is a sad day for all of us who were lucky enough to know you. It will be difficult to imagine you anywhere else, but if I have to, I’ll imagine you just like this, among the stars.” Cedroni wrote on his social profile, before giving the “have a good trip” to the “Lion of Senegal”.

TO Castles NewsGraziano Cedroni then added: “I know that he came from Senegal with his family almost 20 years ago and that he started doing the “vu cumprà” on the coastal beaches. He was the third of six brothers and often spoke of his family, which he loved. He was an exceptional boy, with a good heart, always kind and helpful to everyone. A real resource for the shopping center and for Ciambellone, who always had a calm word for everyone.”

Ismael Velletri

It is with emotion that the well-known Veliterno singer and musician ties together the threads of memory and outlines a memory of Ismail: “He always said he wanted to take me to Senegal, to visit his country. He liked to think and repeat that sooner or later he would return with his family to Senegal to enjoy his Africa. He wanted me to see the island of Gorée….where is the famous ocean gate that the slaves had to cross to get on ships to the new world”.

Precisely that new world where Ismail sought his fortune and found the respect of many people, who today, a few hours after his passing, mourn him with emotion, for that “good brother”, joining the condolences of his family, starting from wife and two daughters, forced to grow up without their father,

In the silence of the evening shadows, on the Passeggiata, where he was often seen smiling and chatting, only the echo of his voice and the memory of that bright smile of his remain. The memory of Ismael, who with his big heart and his infinite humanity, confirmed that even in places furthest from one’s homeland one can create lasting bonds and leave profound traces of oneself. Continuing to live, in the hearts of those who remain…

Daniele Fontana and Ismail
Generic May 2024
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