Piazza di Siena, record numbers, 56 thousand in the stands and turnover rises to 4.3 million

Piazza di Siena, record numbers, 56 thousand in the stands and turnover rises to 4.3 million
Piazza di Siena, record numbers, 56 thousand in the stands and turnover rises to 4.3 million

Rome, 26 May. (Adnkronos) – Piazza di Siena is always with a plus sign. Related activities, media coverage, presences in the stands of the Oval and the Galoppatoio. What ends today is once again an edition marked by records, with numbers that grow year after year, demonstrating how the Csio in Piazza di Siena is a winning and sustainable model. The spectators, first of all: there were over 56 thousand in four days (with an increase of 12% compared to 2023), attracted not only by horses, riders and riders, but also by initiatives capable of combining sport, art, music and culture. Almost 600 horses involved, 202 athletes competing, 30 countries represented on the circuit. The turnover figure is eloquent, which was 4.3 million euros (doubled compared to 2018).

And the media coverage on a global and digital level was impressive: the competition obtained around 2.5 million views on the official social channels (+60% compared to 2023), almost 150 thousand interactions (+58% compared to 2023) and well 66,000 followers reached (+15% compared to 2023). Without forgetting the great news of the TikTok channel with over 520,000 views reached in just a few days after opening. Raidue and Raisport guaranteed total coverage of the event, while the live streaming on the piazzadisiena.it website broke through the barrier of 100 thousand views. A communication, through new media, which also creates a multiplier effect that has repercussions on young people, bringing them closer to sport, horses and correct lifestyles.

Once the competition is over and as always from 2017, Piazza di Siena will once again be available to the community: citizens, tourists, students and young people who will spend pleasant hours on the grass of the Oval playing sports, painting, studying or perhaps lying down and look at the sky of Rome. That sky where two days ago the Frecce Tricolori put on a show and, amidst the general enthusiasm, have already symbolically indicated the way towards the next edition. And towards the next records.

For Marco Mezzaroma it was his debut in Piazza di Siena as president of Sport and Health. “I hadn’t been to Villa Borghese for many years and I must say that I found the area revolutionized – admitted Mezzaroma -. This is one of the events in which structures and nature are best combined, and all this is the result of magnificent work.” A team effort: “I like to underline that there is always greater collaboration with Fise and Roma Capitale, to ensure that this place is increasingly usable for citizens, not only for sporting but also cultural events. The thing that fills us with pride is that with Fise we reinvest the profits from the event in maintenance: from green areas to restoration”. And, regarding the Villa Borghese Foundation project, Mezzaroma added: “It would fall within a line of intervention, trying to promote and develop collaboration between public and private also in terms of investments that benefit all citizens. We need to move towards this type of partnership.”

Marco Di Paola, Fise president, defined the edition of Piazza di Siena which is coming to an end as “one of the most beautiful editions. We had a lot of fun – he said during the press conference closing the event -, the machine is run in and seven years of work in perfect harmony with Sport and Health are reflected in the numbers and results that are there for all to see. The event is increasingly rooted in the urban fabric and we are highly appreciated on the world stage. We are inside a municipal jewel, we thank Roma Capitale for allowing us to use it.”

Among the novelties of the current edition is also the entry of Rome into the Rolex Series: “An extremely important equestrian sports circuit – underlines the number one of the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation – and it is another success of this great stage”. As for the sporting aspect, Di Paola is satisfied: “We have had many victories in various related categories. There were important placings in the Grand Prix and the national team also redeemed itself in the Nations Cup with a fantastic second lap, giving a great test of character and maturity.” The theme of a foundation for Villa Borghese is still topical: “A topic that the CEO of Sport and Health Diego Nepi has been pursuing for years, and has always been supported by Minister Abodi. It is a project that must be done in agreement and harmony with the Municipality of Rome, owner of this beautiful villa. This is an idea guided by an important logic, which would allow us to enhance a wonderful park, as happens with Central Park for example.”

On the occasion of the closing of the 91st edition of the Piazza di Siena International Horse Racing Competition, of which Intesa Sanpaolo is the Main Partner, Roberto Gabrielli, Regional Director of Lazio and Abruzzo Intesa Sanpaolo, declared: “Piazza di Siena is a competition where, in the light and greenery of the Villa Borghese park, the competitive challenge of the champions and their horses turns into a great spectacle. It is a pleasure to see the great participation of the public in this event which is now a tradition for the city of Rome”.

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