Reggio Calabria: macabre discovery, baby girl dead on the rocks

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REGGIO CALABRIA, 26 MAY. – The lifeless body of a black baby girl was found this morning among the rocks at Villa San Giovanniin the province of Reggio Calabria, near the ferry landing stages for Sicily. The body of the little girl, probably recently given birth, was inside a plastic bag which was also contained in a backpack and still had the umbilical cord attached. About what happened the police investigate who is carrying out the measurements. It was a fisherman who identified the backpack, abandoned among the rocks, containing the dead newborn baby found in Villa San Giovanni in the area between the landing stages of the ferry company for Sicily and the Pezzo dock.

The little girl’s body wrapped in a veil inside a plastic bag. The man immediately notified the State Police and officers from the Villa San Giovanni police station and the Reggio Calabria flying squad intervened on site and informed the magistrate on duty. The scientific police also intervened at the site of the discovery and are carrying out the investigations. It would appear that the backpack was taken to the rocks by land a few hours after giving birth. Probably, according to the somatic features of the newborn, the mother is a foreign woman.

It was a fisherman who spotted the backpack. The man immediately notified the State Police and officers from the Villa San Giovanni police station and the Reggio Calabria flying squad intervened on site and informed the magistrate on duty. The scientific police also intervened at the site of the discovery and are carrying out the investigations. It would appear that the backpack was taken to the rocks by land a few hours after giving birth. Probably, according to the somatic features of the newborn, the mother is a foreign woman. Investigators are focusing their attention on ascertaining the causes of the little girl’s death. The Prosecutor’s Office and the police, in fact, will have to understand whether the little girl died during childbirth and was abandoned already lifeless or whether her death occurred due to suffocation due to the way in which she was abandoned. Hence the decision whether to open an investigation for concealment of a body or for murder. An answer, in this sense, could be provided by the autopsy that will be ordered by the public prosecutor.

Finally, in these hours, the Reggio Calabria flying team is checking whether there are cameras in the area that could have filmed something that could prove useful for the investigations.

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