CONARATOS on shortage of nursing staff in ASL 1 Abruzzo

CONARATOS on shortage of nursing staff in ASL 1 Abruzzo
CONARATOS on shortage of nursing staff in ASL 1 Abruzzo

ABRUZZO – “It is with dismay that we learn that – while in more than one hospital there is a consistent and worrying shortage of nursing staff even in highly intensive care facilities such as Emergency Services, Cardiology/ICU, Dialysis/CAL, etc. … – on the other hand we continue to witness (according to practices established since time immemorial, supported by well-known logics, impulses and interests of various kinds) the transfer or maintenance of young nursing talents in administrative, outpatient, district and similar structures, where elderly or debilitated nurses from long years spent in hospital wards continue to be overloaded with the burdensome care tasks notoriously attributable to the inpatient departments: with the consequence of causing the latter to suffer protracted suffering; but also perpetually inhibiting the former, in implementation of the rotation criterion, from that educational and professional growth which can only be achieved in hospital inpatient facilities, notoriously with higher care intensity and multi-specialist structure: all to the detriment of the quality of care – so in a note the president of CONARATOS Civic Committee Dr. Antonio Santilli –

We therefore ask ourselves – and we ask in particular the company Health Director of the ASL, the nursing manager, but also the Department Directors responsible for managing the human resources with which the Departments are equipped – whether they carry out and how they carry out their task of verifying the organizational and management structures of the personnel responsible for healthcare, preventing convenient allocations ad personamperceived as unreasonable, unfair, anti-legal – continues Santilli –

We ask ourselves and ask the aforementioned Managers if they have knowledge of the distribution of personnel, of the characteristics and peculiarities that require or impose a different and more careful distribution and use of the human resource; of the need or usefulness of more effective coordination also inspired by criteria of equity and aimed at overcoming a working climate that the widespread sense of disparity pollutes and corrodes, thus depressing the impetus, motivation and commitment of senior professionals and longer experience, in the face of the unjust recognition of privileged positions whose causes are, if not unspeakableincomprehensible – comments Santilli –

We ask ourselves what the top management has to demonstrate or reply to these considerations of ours, especially since the “virtuous” management of regional healthcare, which has already involved years and years of commissionership, is currently presenting a new bill which will once again have to be paid by the patients, taxpayers and healthcare workers.

And we still wonder what those responsible intend to do to prevent this from happening.

Or perhaps once again we will have to hear that the local health authorities are autonomous companies and that the Region cannot interfere in their management?

It seems true and appropriate, however, that if the top management does not achieve the objectives, among which that of economic and financial balance is certainly fundamental (art. 3-bis, paragraphs 6 and 7 of Legislative Decree no. 502/ 1992 smi), the Region has the duty, towards Citizens and Taxpayers, to send them home or, in any case, not to renew their positions at the respective deadlines, rather than continuing to reward them with incentives worth tens and tens of thousands of Euros !!!

It seems excessive at this point to shout ‘we are tired‘?” – concludes Dr. Antonio Santilli president of CONARATOS Civic Committee

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Asl1 Abruzzo Abruzzo region

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