Salerno weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 26 May


The forecast for Sunday 26 May at Salerno indicate variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, the sky will be mostly clear with light cloud cover, while in the afternoon and towards the evening, scattered clouds and overcast skies are expected.

During the Nightthe sky will be partially covered by scattered clouds with a temperature that will remain around +16.8°C. The wind speed will be approx 4.6km/h coming from the North – North East.

Upon awakening, at morningthe sky will be clear with cloud cover around 6% and a temperature of +20.8°C. The wind will blow light from North to 0.3km/h.

In the afternoon, the weather situation will change slightly with the appearance of light rain. The probability of precipitation will be 75% with a temperature of approx +21.3°C. The wind will blow from the South West at a speed of 7.1km/h.

Towards the eveningthe sky will become further overcast, becoming overcast with cloud cover around the87% and a temperature of +20.1°C. The wind will be light coming from the North 0.8km/h.

In conclusion, for Sunday 26 May a Salerno, we expect a day with variable weather conditions, with clear skies in the morning, light rain in the afternoon and overcast skies towards the evening. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather during the day and prepare adequately to deal with any light rain.

All the weather data for Sunday 26 May in Salerno

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