The Fenestrelle Park becomes regional, green light from the Campania Council

The course of the Fenestrelle in the heart of the city of Avellino, between Piazzetta Perugini and Via Pironti, through the so-called Vallone

The Fenestrelle Park has been recognized as a site of regional interest. The decision was anticipated last August in Avellino by the Vice President of Campania, Fulvio Bonavitacola, at the end of an informal inspection with the President of the Regional Observatory on Waste Management Enzo De Luca and the regional councilor Maurizio Petracca.

The Vice President of Campania Fulvio Bonavitacola, Regional Councilor for the Environment

Once the supplementary preliminary investigation phase requested of the proposing Municipalities by the Campania Region last year has been concluded, the Memorandum of Understanding for the Fenestrelle Park signed on 10 February 2022 by the mayors of Avellino, Atripalda, Mercogliano and Monteforte Irpino becomes operational. With the provision approved by the Campania Council, the Fenestrelle Regional Park will be able to access the funds necessary to be protected and enhanced, but above all it will be protected from the risk of urban planning abuse, in a robust regulatory framework, which will allow the Municipalities involved to plan in an sustainable the respective urban and rural perimeters of competence. Below are the political reactions.
PETRACCA: «ATTENTION SIGN TOWARDS AVELLINO AND OUR TERRITORIES”. «With the resolution of the regional council of Campania approved in the last session, the process for the establishment of the Fenestrelle Intermunicipal Urban Park of regional interest whose perimeter concerns the Municipalities of Avellino, Atripalda, Monteforte Irpino and Mercogliano is closed. A long process has come to completion which has brought together the institutional chain that goes from the Municipalities to the Campania Region. In this process I had the opportunity to support the vice president of the regional council, Fulvio Bonavitacola, whom I thank for the dedication with which, at my request, he followed the matter which today reaches an important moment of definition, that of official institution and formal nature of the park”, declares regional councilor Maurizio Petracca, President of the Agriculture Commission of the Campania Region. «The news arrives precisely in conjunction with the celebration of the European Parks Day, a happy coincidence which will undoubtedly be a good omen for the take-off of the Fenestrelle Park. Its institution will be, if well interpreted by the local administrations, a very useful tool for the development of a very important area, the one that unites the capital with the neighboring municipalities, a territorial unicum in which we need to invest more and more”, adds Petracca. «In recent years the Campania Region has truly believed in this project and has invested a lot of energy into it. During the institution process, we held numerous discussions to resolve all the administrative and bureaucratic aspects that gradually arose. The capacity of administrations for the near future will be measured precisely on knowing how to use this tool in terms of development and protection of the environment. These are the crucial issues that await the city of Avellino. With the establishment of the Park, the Campania Region, and I am proud of this, confirms its attention to the capital of Irpinia and to our territories”.
M5S: AN ACHIEVEMENT AFTER YEARS OF WORK BY THE FIVE STAR MOVEMENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF AVELLINO AND THE REGION. «The Five Star Movement has been fighting for years for the establishment of the Fenestrelle urban park of regional interest in Avellino. Both with initiatives of the regional councilor Vincenzo Ciampi and of the municipal councilor Ferdinando Picariello”, reads a note from the Five Star Movement. «Already the previous municipal council led by Ciampi with the councilor of the time Rita Sciscio had already started numerous meetings with stakeholders – in the wake of participatory urban planning – and with the municipal administrations of Monteforte and Atripalda. On those occasions we also identified sources of financing for the rehabilitation of the watercourse and surrounding areas. A project stubbornly pursued and stably included in the electoral programs of the M5S since 2018. The news that the establishment of the Park has begun on the proposal of Vice President Bonavitacola, makes us satisfied with the work accomplished to date. Today, European Parks Day, at 6pm we will return to talking about Fenestrelle Park, in an initiative of the candidates for the Avellino municipal council Ciani and Picariello which will be held in via Zigarelli and will continue with a walk in Santo Spirito Park. An occasion in which we will reiterate our commitment to the urban park with the intervention of the mayoral candidate Antonio Gengaro”.
LAURA NARGI: «AFTER TWO YEARS, THERE’S FINALLY THE REGION’S OK TO OUR PROJECT». «I learn with great satisfaction of the establishment, by the regional council of Campania, of the Fenestrelle intermunicipal park, a project promoted and implemented by the Municipality of Avellino, under our Administration. It took over two years to get the green light from Palazzo Santa Lucia, but better late than never.” This is what Laura Nargi, the candidate for mayor of the civic coalition composed of the “We are Avellino”, “Really” and “Viva la Libertà” lists, declares. «During the last Administration – recalls Nargi – the Municipality of Avellino, as lead body, signed a specific memorandum of understanding with Atripalda, Mercogliano and Monteforte, at the end of a discussion started on 11 June 2021. It then drew up the project and approved it in the City Council on January 24, 2022, as did Atripalda, Mercogliano and Monteforte. Finally, on 10 February 2022, it signed the association deed for the establishment phase and sent the papers to the Region for the establishment of the Park. Since then – underlines Nargi – we have been anxiously waiting, even urging the executive of Palazzo Santa Lucia every other day. Today, we can finally say that we have reaped the fruits of our commitment.” As for the project, «put down in black and white by the Municipality’s Urban Planning sector offices, under the aegis of the former Urban Planning councillor, Emma Buondonno», explains Nargi, «mapping actions are planned for everything that has been planned on the the area falling within the 4 Municipalities, environmental restoration and reclamation projects of the areas, securing the embankments with naturalistic engineering interventions, ecological valorisation of the wetland, environmental monitoring of the park area in its various environmental components, valorisation of the agricultural activities present and recovery of urban, extra-urban and inter-farm connections with the urban area. A far-reaching project which – we read in the Municipality’s papers – “envisages the creation of pedestrian and cycle paths in the Park, interconnected to those planned or already created in the Municipalities, the valorisation of monumental architectural and archaeological emergencies, the promotion of regeneration interventions urban park for the refunctionalisation of old buildings to be used for new functions, the redevelopment and valorisation of the natural and landscape resources of the valley floor of the Fenestrelle stream and the promotion of an environmental awareness and communication campaign in schools for the promotion and valorisation of the “Intermunicipal urban park of the Fenestrelle”. Punctual interventions possible, in short, with an attached cost assessment and an economic and financial plan for management. Among these, the creation of «Thematic Trails, Recreational-Educational-Sports Areas, Information Points, Libraries and Visitor Centers, Museums and exhibition halls, an astronomical and natural observatory, Picnic Areas, Refreshment Points and rest areas». Nargi concludes by explaining that «with the Region’s approval, we can finally move on to the implementation phase for the realization of a project of extraordinary importance, which has been talked about for decades in Avellino. We achieved it – claims the candidate for mayor Nargi – with stubbornness and great administrative vision. This result testifies to our attention to the environmental issue, with the facts and not with the mere statements of principle that we hear these days from some of my competitors who, probably, were not even aware of this impressive work”.

Antonio Gengaro, Atripalda, Avellino, Enzo De Luca, Fulvio Bonavitacola, Laura Nargi, M5s, Maurizio Petracca, Mercogliano, Monteforte Irpino, ORGR Regional Observatory on Waste Management in Campania, Fenestrelle Park, Intermunicipal urban park of regional interest Fenestrelle, Vincenzo Ciampi

The Fenestrelle Park becomes regional, green light from the Campania Council

The Fenestrelle Park becomes regional, green light from the Campania Council

The Fenestrelle Park becomes regional, green light from the Campania Council

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