Attempted murder of the influencer in Novara: Siu has emerged from the coma

Attempted murder of the influencer in Novara: Siu has emerged from the coma
Attempted murder of the influencer in Novara: Siu has emerged from the coma

The influencer has come out of a coma Siu, Soukaina El Basri, 30 years old, hospitalized in Novara hospital, on suspicion that she was injured by her husband, Jonathan Maldonato, in custody, accused of attempted murder, in the investigation launched by the Biella prosecutor’s office. The hospital confirms this. The young woman has recovered and is speaking. She remains hospitalized in intensive care out of caution and the prognosis is still reserved, but the evolution of the situation seems positive. Maldonato has declared himself innocent.

She will be the Biella lawyer Alessandra Guarini to assist Soukaina El Basri, the young Biella influencer of Moroccan origin still hospitalized in Novara hospital, and her family. This was confirmed to Agi by the same lawyer, who has already formalized the assignment on the part of some brothers, a sister and “Siu’s” father. “Between today and tomorrow – explains the lawyer Guarini – we will also formalize the appointment of the mother”. Alessandra Guarini is a very well-known lawyer also on a national scale: she was a plaintiff’s lawyer in cases such as the shipwreck of the Costa Concordia on Giglio Island, the Rigopiano avalanche or the freight train massacre in Viareggio. You defended Emilio Fede, former director of Tg4, in the Ruby-bis trial. And she recently returned to the spotlight as the defender of Dimitri Fricano, the man sentenced to 30 years for stabbing his girlfriend Erika Preti to death, for whom she obtained release and was placed under house arrest for health reasons .

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