Valerio Rossi Albertini protagonist of the “Zero Waste Days”

Arezzo. Is titled “A shrimp will show the way”, the conference of physicist, chemist, science communicator and expert in environmental issues Valerio Rossi Albertiniheld during the second of the two days “Zero waste” at thegreen area of theSan Zeno integral recovery plant: a clear and direct reflection on the sustainable economy, also called circular, to explain that this is the same model used by nature.

An awareness that guided all the activities carried out during the two days, in which children and young people fromCesalpino Comprehensive Institute and theVasari Comprehensive Institute of Arezzo, theMagiotti Comprehensive Institute of Montevarchi and theSacred Heart Institute of Rome participated in theater workshops, cooking courses and attended the show of the Chilean clown companyLaughter Festival”.

“We must reflect on our role in this world: the human race has been an infesting species, where we arrived we brought devastation, yet nature has survived for three billion years since the appearance of life, until today. It means that he used different tools from ours – he explained Valerio Rossi Albertini. We have a predatory attitude towards the environment and instead we had to look at natural ecosystems to understand what is the correct way to manage the resources we have available.” And speaking of the conference, he added: “I’m talking about a shrimp inside a sphere, a globe that is full of water and air and that lives based exclusively on the resources contained within it, completely separated from the rest of the world . The resources available to it are constantly recycled and a shrimp of this species can live for ten years without needing to be fed. And without contaminating the environment: if he contaminated it he would die. It is a truly remarkable example of how the circular economy can allow us to reverse this trend, which is based on a concept that is too old, the linear economy.”

“The professor gives us the opportunity to reflect on the circular economy and to make known what happens inside the integral recovery plants. This determines an active awareness of the actions we can carry out on a daily basis such as reducing our waste – said the president Of Aisa Impianti spa Giacomo Cherici. Just one percentage point of waste reduction is worth a lot of money, and it is worth a lot in environmental terms. A ton of waste processed in accordance with the law can cost from 100 to 115 euros, so for a city, a community that produces 60.70 thousand tons of waste, reducing it leads to great savings.”

“This year we will become a “Zero Waste” Institute as we have participated with our almost thirteen hundred students in the initiatives promoted – he said Sandra Guidellthe, head teacher of the Cesalpino Institute Of Arezzo. Primary school children were also here yesterday to enjoy the beautiful planetarium. And today the adults even talked about nuclear fusion. For us these are truly enriching moments and collaboration with the territory is fundamental for a quality school.”

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Aisa Impianti Spa

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