The winning students of the 3rd edition of the “Battito. The perception of time” art competition promoted by Ravenna 33

Is titled “Beat. The perception of time”, the artistic competition promoted, for the third consecutive year, by the Progetto Sanità Ravenna group, which includes Ravenna 33, the S. Teresa del Bambin Gesù Health Center and Estensi 33, open to the three-year figurative arts classes of the state artistic high school ” Nervi-Severini” of Ravenna. In this new edition, the students measured themselves on the theme “Battito. The perception of time”. The journey officially ended on Wednesday 22 May at 1pm with the awards ceremony at the school headquarters in via Tombesi dall’Ova 14.

«Our company was founded in 2012, from the initiative of a group of friends from Ravenna – he explains Chiara Cirilli, Operation Specialist of Ravenna 33 – with the desire to create a hub for the provision of healthcare services, which are gradually more complex and technological, for the provision of quality services in the area, and a local service for the benefit of citizens. The group’s mission, however, is not only to provide healthcare services but also to support the local community, with particular attention to the young people who are part of it to offer them opportunities for growth and meeting opportunities. From this desire, combined with a passion for art, this competition was born, aimed at art high school students, to provide help and visibility to young people who are slowly entering the world and who want to show their art and creativity.”

Overall, more than 70 students of the academic year 2023/2024, coming from classes made up of students aged 16 to 19, under the guidance of the teachers Michele Andalò, Daniela Caravita, Irene Foli, Massimiliano Pradarelli and Stefania Vacchi. Each student expressed himself in full expressive autonomy, developing a project that reflects the skills and abilities acquired at the time of creating the graphic-pictorial work. Multiple executive techniques used: graphite, ink, tempera, watercolour, colored pencils, oil on canvas, acrylic on canvas and on x-ray plate, terracotta.

«I believe it is useful for the school to participate and share these opportunities – says the regent school director Paolo Taroni – to showcase the creative abilities and technical expertise of the students, to increasingly promote the development of creativity and their artistic and cultural education. In an era in which time is increasingly speeding up due to technological, digital and multimedia tools, in which communication always takes place in real time, the proposed reflection on time becomes particularly significant and essential. Art requires attention, calm, reflection and longer planning times. This year’s works seemed to me to be of particular value and beauty, as well as significant for the contents expressed. Looking at the colors, the techniques and the ideas they represent, everyone who works in this school, and me first, feel proud of the value of the children and their paintings.”

The awarded students are 8, 7 girls and 1 boy: in addition to the first 3 classified, 5 special mentions were awarded. Winner of the competition is Thomas Montanari of class 5B with the work “The Wait” which portrays an old rusty ship that stands as a monument to its history, while the waves hit it inexorably. On the silver step Viola Melandri of the 3F class with “The Rose That Cannot Die”, with in the foreground a hand holding a withering rose, with the petals falling in the background, while in the bronze one Matilde Bellettini of class 5B with “Sciabordare” in which time is a crumbling sand castle. The 5 special mentions were awarded to Giulia Albonetti of class 3F for the work “This life without beats has never been mine”, Igberase Amuomwonsa Wisdom of class 4B for “Grow up, mature and enjoy life”, Saphie Ancarani of class 3B for “Grancassa”, Ambra Balzani of class 5B for “Growth”, and Elisa Hu of class 5B for “Beyond space and time”. All the works are present in the exhibition catalogue.

Thomas Montanari, first place

Viola Melandri, second place

the winners

All the winners

The prizes consist of vouchers for the purchase of technical material to support the children’s work. A selection of the works presented is currently exhibited at Ravenna 33 in via Secondo Bini 1, where they will remain for a few months, and the winning works will be part of the “permanent collection” of the Ravenna 33 group.

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