3 million for those in the province of Pescara

A total financing of 15 million 485 thousand euros for 20 places of worship in the Abruzzo region with three of these destined for as many requests in the province of Pescara. To allocate it, announces the President of the Region Marco Marsilio, the Ministry of Culture led by Gennaro Sangiuliano and obtained “thanks to the synergistic work” carried out, the Region points out.

This is an allocation foreseen as part of the action concerning seismic safety in places of worship, restoration of the cultural heritage of the FEC and shelter sites for works of art (Recovery Art), in implementation of the pnrr.

“I thank the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano and the entire Meloni government for the attention they have shown this time too towards the churches which in various areas of Abruzzo had suffered damage due to the earthquakes. Thanks to this funding, local institutions will be able to give substance to the projects for the recovery and rehabilitation of the structures and bring them back to the attention of citizens and tourists – declares Marsilio -. These are places of identity that bear witness to the culture and history of the territories and which will continue to tell the beauty of our region in the future.”

As anticipated, there are three churches in the province of Pescara to which the funds have been allocated. The largest loan, amounting to one million and 430 thousand euros, was assigned to the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Castiglione in Casauria; therefore the 900 thousand for the church of Sant’Antonio di San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore and 700 thousand for the church Santo Stefano Protomartire of Turrivalignani.

The list of 20 places of worship financed for the safe mesa

  • Church of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio (Collapietro Aq 600 thousand euros)
  • Church of Santa Agnese-chapel inside San Salvatore hospital (L’Aquila 300 thousand euros)
  • Church of Santa Maria degli Angelo or del Guasto (L’Aquila one million euros)
  • Church of Santa Maria del Presepe (L’Aquila one million 640 thousand euros)
  • Church of Assuna (L’Aquila 300 thousand euros)
  • Church of the Madonna delle Grazie (Navelli Aq 825 thousand euros)
  • Church of Mdonna del Pantano (Navelli Aq one million 50 thousand euros)
  • Church of Sant’Onofrio (Raiano Aq 970 thousand euros)
  • Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Rocca Pia Aq 200 thousand euros)
  • Church of the Madonna delle Grazie (San Benedetto in Perillis Aq 350 thousand euros)
  • Mazara Chapel (Sulmona Aq 600 thousand euros)
  • Church of Purgatory (Bucchianico Ch one million 130 thousand euros)
  • Church of Maria Santissima del Carmine (Vasto Ch 620 thousand euros
  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Castiglione a Casauria Pe one million 430 thousand euros)
  • Church of Sant’Antonio (San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore Pe 900 thousand euros)
  • Santo Stefano Protomartire Church (Turrivalignani Pe 700 thousand euros)
  • Church of the Capuchins (Campli Te 250 thousand euros)
  • Church of Santa Maria Apparente (Crognaleto Te 500 thousand euros)
  • Hermitage of Santa Lucia dell’Annunziata (Fano Adriano Te 400 thousand euros)
  • Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia (Giulianova Te one million 100 thousand euros)
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