Legnano Basket, ready to renew the Pala Borsani in Castellanza under management for 8 years

Legnano Basket, ready to renew the Pala Borsani in Castellanza under management for 8 years
Legnano Basket, ready to renew the Pala Borsani in Castellanza under management for 8 years

Legnano Basket, with its company Sport+ Knights Events, won the public tender for the management of the PalaBorsani in Castellanza. The Knights, for eight years, they will continue to manage the Knights Bar, the tennis and five-a-side pitches and the green area of ​​the stadium. During the summer some renovation works will also be started which will make the building more welcoming and modern. This was announced by president Marco Tajana on Wednesday 22 May, during the presentation of the Knights’ new season. «The council’s decision is missing, but we can say it with confidence: we won the tender – states the president -. The official announcement will arrive towards the end of the month. For us it is an important step: now we can think seriously about the future. To do this we have already started work: we have allocated a budget of 200 thousand euros to renovate the building. While extraordinary interventions are the responsibility of the Municipality. When the new season begins, the the building will have come back to life.”

The Knights are preparing to tackle important projects with renewed energy a new season in National B.

Legnano Basket, many new features for an “NBA” championship: 40 games in 7 months

Knights management for 4 gyms in Legnano

In the meantime, Sport+ Knights Events will also manage four gyms in Legnano: that of via Parma, the plant of via Dante, that of the Bonvesin Institute and, thanks to the alliance with Virtus Carroccio, from this year also the Tosi gym. However, for the sporting realities of Legnano which involve a large number of young people, these spaces are not yet sufficient. Even if the direct management of the facilities represents an important step: «We thank the administration of Legnano who, with foresight, gave us the possibility of directly managing the gyms – states Tajana -. This type of agreement allows for better maintenance of the spaces. To date, Legnano, also thanks to the 8-year agreement, is doing well at PalaBorsani, and we can put the question of the new building aside. However, we cannot hide the need for new spaces for young people. There are many of them and they need time and space to train. We need to think about this too. Maybe new tensile structures would be enough». In this context, Tajana recalled that Legnano Basket involves 850 young people: «An incredible number if you think about it. And the youth sector is constantly growing. This makes us proud. Our entire community numbers almost 5 thousand people. During the first team season we always recorded the presence of an audience of 1300 people. This is our strength, that is, all those who follow us and have become part of this big family. My thanks go to them. For us it is a confirmation of the validity of the Knights project».

Sponsors and commercial news

In the meantime, the commercial sector has been renewed and will take on a structure of different divisions, with the participation of several advisors, who will have some commercial and organizational tasks. And it was inserted Thomas Marino in the communications staff, who will help the creative part of the Knights, also taking an active part in some initiatives such as team building, summer camps and the Knights’ social media content. “Thanks to SAE Scientific – comments Tajana – I thank the Pogliani family for their support and for sharing the objectives relating to the club and the first team. Last season was a bit stingy with satisfaction. We are already working to set up a competitive team and, in general, we are working all-round to improve every area of ​​our business. In addition to SAE, there are 60 companies helping us, forming a strong group. But we realize that it is not enough: the championship we will face will be tough and we will have to build a physically strong and well-structured team. We therefore hope to find other allies in the area.”

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