Florence, wreaks havoc in a gym, threatens and beats the owner, then breaks a shop window

Not a criminal with dishonest purposes, but «a person out of his mind, completely crazy, unmanageable: a demoniac». It is the story of one of the five injured due to the moment of madness of a man who sowed panic in Via dei Pepi on Tuesday morning. The Maghreb man, who then ended up in compulsory medical treatment in Careggi, he first broke the window of a shop in via dei Pepi, then he damaged a construction site in via dell’Ulivothen he arrived again in via dei Pepi where he hit a passer-by in the street, while at the entrance to the gym Swan punched a customer who was in the doorway.

The man, in an altered state, entered the gym and began to beat another customer, casually, “for no reason”. It was trying to bring him back to calm the owner who was also seen punched in the face: «I have a broken cheekbone, a black eye and a twenty-day prognosis”, says the owner of the Swan with a patch on his left eye.

At that point it was the heaviest customer in the gym who intervened, a Senegalese almost two meters tall who works as a security guard in a nearby supermarket: but once he was pinned to the ground, the Maghrebi still managed to bite him.

Police squad cars and 118 ambulances intervened on the spot: «The police arrived, but it was impossible even for them to bring him back to calm, he was possessed – the owner of Swan continues – So much so that to take him away, they had to wait that the 118 health workers sedated him with a shot. It was a morning of panic, completely senseless.”

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