Nursind: the shortage of nurses in Novara is worrying

WE RECEIVE AND PUBLISH There is strong concern about the certified shortage of nursing staff that has arisen at the AOU of Novara, as well as a future perspective that is certainly nebulous and not without rischi, in consideration of the summer period that is approaching and the holiday plans that must be programmed, an essential right that must be guaranteed ubiquitously, declares Andrea Zambelli, Provincial Secretary of NurSind Novara, the union of nursing professions.

As part of the regional observatory on the extraordinary hiring plan, which involved the regional secretariats of the trade unions, an additional requirement for nursing staff was defined, together with the Piedmont Region, in addition to that foreseen for normal turnover, for all regional health authorities, including the AOU of Novara. As of 29.02.2024, the staff numbered a negative 47 nurses, not replaced, and not recovered starting from the date of birth of the observatory, which, we specify, examined this data only starting from 30.06.2023, without obviously take into account the professional resources released before this date. It should also be underlined, regarding these numbers, that the company appears to have been in the black compared to all the other companies in Piedmont. The regional agreement on the extraordinary hiring plan has certified and authorized a loan to be able to proceed with an additional requirement equal to 52 nurses, not taking into account the physiological turnover for the AOU of Novara, which, today, would therefore find itself forced , to hire over 100 nurses, to ensure adequate staffing. This figure derives from the simple sum between the turnover replacements and the additional resources expected by the end of the year, an objective that the Health Department itself has given to the AOU. The alleged critical issues relating to the conduct of the maxi competition for company zero, which has currently been forced to suspend the rankings, pending judgment due to an appeal, will not help to fill these shortcomings, with a consequent increase in the burdens and working conditions.

Those indispensable new resources will not arrive immediately, and consequently the risk is that more will come out than the expected revenue, making the condition relating to the management of human resources even more complex, already precarious in itself, they say, from the provincial secretariat of the NurSind. Over the course of these months, in fact, due to other retirements and some layoffs to join other public companies, evidently considered more attractive, rather than abroad or in the private sector, we are witnessing a continuous loss of nursing staff. There is a non-negligible problem in terms of the attractiveness of the Novara AOU, regarding the working conditions and the possibilities for professional growth, and this is demonstrated by the fact that not many nurses choose to be hired at the Novara AOU. It is sufficient to look at the company notice board to see the high number of termination decisions, transfers or various mobility. For the Novara AOU, the “hub” hospital of the North Eastern Piedmont hospital network, which serves a territory (Homogeneous Programming Area ex DM 70/2015) with a total of 828,680 residents and which aspires, as indicated in the PROVISIONAL TECHNICAL BUDGET FOR THE 2024 financial year, resolution no. 159 of 02/29/2024 “to guarantee qualified assistance aimed at welcoming and treating all complex pathologies in the suprazonal area also to put a brake on mobility passive extra-regional, in particular towards neighboring Lombardy”, a less than comforting panorama is expected for the future, if we do not decide to invest seriously and adequately in nursing staff. Added to all this is the static nature of integrative bargaining, which compared to other companies, turns out to be very difficult, in obtaining fair and adequate recognition for all employees, which certainly does not help to fill the rankings for this company. company, they conclude, from the NurSind provincial secretariat.

The Nursind Novara Territorial Secretariat

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