Eosinophilic pathologies, Taranto also in the field

Taranto lit up magenta to celebrate the World Eosinophilic Diseases Day, the World Day dedicated to eosinophilic diseases. The initiative promoted by the association Eseo Italynow in its third year, falls within the scope of awareness month for eosinophilic diseases, with May 22nd dedicated to the European EoE Day. The city of Taranto has joined the awareness campaign by authorizing the lighting of the Aragonese Castle in the color magenta, symbol of the ESEO Italia 2024 campaign.

The initiative promoted by ESEO Italia (Association of families against eosinophilic esophagitis)is replicated in over 20 symbolic places in the country and has as its objective the promotion of correct health education through activities and projects aimed at guaranteeing, through awareness-raising, a reduction in the diagnostic delay for patients with eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseasesguide them in treatment paths, create network with national and international interlocutors who in various capacities can promote actions to support patients, to improve the quality of care, the protection of rights and in general the quality of life of patients and their families. Illuminated monuments but also a dense awareness campaign made up of events and free consultations in many centers distributed throughout the territory, ready to visit patients who present suspicious symptoms. Posters displayed in the clinics of the most significant diagnostic centers in the country.

“On behalf of all the patients, I thank the municipal administration for having joined, with a great spirit of closeness and solidarity, our awareness campaign,” he said. Roberta Giodice, president of the ESEO Italia Association. «The idea of ​​establishing a World Eosinophilic Diseases Day dedicated to the community of patients suffering from eosinophilic diseases – she added – was born from a shared objective with the patient associations of Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France, Australia and USA. In Italy, to give greater visibility, we have established the month of eosinophilic diseases. Our patients often arrive at the diagnosis later a long odyssey of wanderings that cost physically, emotionally and economically. We wish to be a driving force for those who, among experts and institutions, have the possibility and responsibility to implement concrete actions to protect and improve the quality of life of patients” added Giodice. «The sharing between us families, the comparison, the exchange of experiences and the collaboration with other patient associations are a wealth that we want to foster because we are aware of the benefits that can arise from these alliances».

The month’s awareness campaign is involving the main centers of expertise in the national territory, with free consultations, open day, days dedicated to dissemination in various hospitals and specialized clinics; magenta lighting for some of the most important monuments of our artistic-cultural heritage; joint press conference, on May 14th in Milan, with the Sigenpin view of the Congress of European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology (ESPGHAN); on 18 and 19 May a weekend dedicated to families with a national meeting entitled “Beyond the pathology: ESEO Italia families meet – Insights, Sport & Wellbeing”, in collaboration with the Spine & Sports Clinic in the setting of Lake Bracciano.

Yesterday, May 22, an institutional conference was held entitled “The challenge of building a winning partnership between patient associations, scientific communities and institutions for the good of all”at the Hotel Nazionale, in Rome, in conjunction with the European Eosinophilic Esophagitis Day (European EoE Day). On the 24th at the Moscati Hospital in Avellino, a training conference for general practitioners entitled “Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Knowing it to recognize it”

The mission

During the month of May ESEO Italia therefore promotes various initiatives with the intention of raising awareness among the institutions and the population on the requests and needs still unsatisfied of the patients suffering from eosinophilic esophagitis and eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases (in Italy it is estimated between 25,000 and 60,000 cases)their caregiver, and which will include a series of activities also at European level, with meetings and dedicated communication. The aim of the campaign is to finally raise awareness and awareness through a multi-channel approach on eosinophilic pathologies and in particular oneosinophilic esophagitisa neglected chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the esophagus, seriously affecting the quality of life of patients, who are often unable to eat correctly or continuously.

Eosinophilic syndromes

Eosinophilic syndromes are a group of diseases characterized by an overproduction of eosinophilic granulocytes that accumulate in the tissues, causing the presence of infiltrates in the organs. Eosinophils are white blood cells (leukocytes) physiologically called into play in the presence of infections and parasitic infestations to eradicate germs. In the presence of eosinophilic pathologies, however, this mechanism is activated in a pathological manner and the eosinophils attack healthy tissues by degranulating and releasing a toxic substance, the cationic eosinophilic protein. (PCE)which causes inflammation of the tissues involved and, in the absence of timely therapeutic treatment, organ damage.

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) it is an inflammatory disease localized to the esophagus, characterized by periods of clinical remission and acute episodes. Eosinophils are protagonists of this inflammation, through the numerous cellular mediators released during their activity. The EoE is an immuno-allergic disease; it is often possible to find the cause of chronic inflammation in a food and/or respiratory allergy; sometimes, however, despite allergy tests and dietary attempts, it is not possible to understand the probable cause of the disease. Autoimmune phenomena that can also involve other traits of thegastrointestinal system may be implicated in the development of this disease.

During episodes of disease activity, the patient may present with typical symptoms or signs; in some cases, however, EoE manifests itself with non-specific symptoms, simulating the disease gastroesophageal reflux. The most common symptoms are represented by difficulty in passing food through the esophagus (dysphagia, subjective sensation of the presence of food which progresses with difficulty in the esophagus), pain and/or burning localized in the abdomen (epigastrium), chest and behind the sternum (retrosternal pain and heartburn), refusal to eat (anorexia), with consequent stasis or slowing of growth leading to weight loss. Sometimes, recurrent episodes of acute food bolus obstruction are the symptoms that lead to the diagnosis.


EGE has an estimated prevalence of 1-5:100,000 and belongs to the group of gastrointestinal disorders associated with eosinophils, affecting all ages, with an average age between 30 and 50 years, with a slight preponderance in males. The highest prevalence appears to be recorded in North America, Sweden and Australia with an incidence figure of approximately 5-7/100,000 inhabitants and a prevalence figure of 50-60/100,000 inhabitants. In Europe the main data derive from Switzerland with a prevalence estimate of approximately 23/100,000 inhabitants. A recent Canadian population study found an increase in EoE in terms of incidence from 2.1 to 11.0 per 100,000 people and this figure would be the result of an increase in the number of esophageal biopsies, even if at the same time accesses for endoscopy with indication of dysphagia. It is estimated that the male/female ratio is 3/1 even if at the moment this data has no explanation from a physiopathological point of view. White Americans appear more affected (58%) than African-Americans (34%) and other ethnicities (8%).

Eseo Italy

L’patient association ESEO Italia was born in 2017 and pursues purposes of information, awareness-raising, social and socio-health assistance, research and scientific promotion in relation toEosinophilic esophagitis and at eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases. Even though she was young, she believed in the value and possibility of cooperating in support of the sick in order to improve their quality of life and with her commitment she created network with stakeholders national and international which, in various capacities, could contribute to improving the conditions of patients.

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