Padua weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 24 May


The weather forecast for Friday 24 May in Padua indicate variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning the sky will be clear with light cloud cover, while light precipitation is expected in the afternoon.

During the morningstarting from 06:00, the sky will be mostly clear with cloud cover around 13%. Temperatures will be around +15.6°Cwith a perception of +15.4°C. The wind will blow from the North at a speed of 3.2km/hwith light gusts up to 5.8km/h. The humidity will be of 84% and the atmospheric pressure of 1018hPa.

In the afternoonstarting from 12:00 pmlight rain is expected with cloud cover around 6%. Temperatures will rise to +22°Cwith a perception of +21.7°C. The wind will come from the South West at a speed of 10.7km/hwith gusts up to 12.9km/h. Precipitation is expected 0.2mm and the humidity will be of 59%.

During the eveningstarting from 6pmlight rain will continue with cloud cover around 14%. Temperatures will drop to +18.2°Cwith a perception of +18.1°C. The wind will be coming from the South East at a speed of 10.8km/hwith gusts up to 18.4km/h. Precipitation of 0.42mm and the humidity will be of 79%.

Based on the current weather forecast, it is recommended to pay attention to precipitation in the afternoon and evening. Temperatures will remain rather mild during the day, with a slight increase compared to previous days. Stay updated for any changes in the weather forecast for the next few days in Padua.

All the weather data for Friday 24 May in Padua

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