Study course in pharmacy, production and service organizations brought together in Salerno

On 7 May 2024, the consultation meeting took place electronically between the managers of the Pharmacy Study Course at the University of Salerno and the representatives of the organizations representing the production and relevant professions. The meeting was attended, for the Study Course, by Prof. Silvana Morello, president of the Cds, Prof. Silvia Franceschelli, coordinator of the Cds teaching commission, Prof. Gianluigi Lauro, head of Gaq-Cds, Prof. Marialuisa Saviano, president of the Job placement commission – Difarma, Dr. Rita Celano, Pharmacy placement delegate, Prof. Ada Popolo, coordinator of the internship commission, Dr. Antonella Lamberti, head of the Difarma teaching office, and the student Annarita Rossi, student representative on the teaching council.

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Course update and adaptation process

Present for the representative organizations were Dr. Ferdinando Maria de Francesco, president of the Order of Pharmacists of Salerno, Dr. Alfonso Di Stasio, founder and managing director of, Dr. Salvatore Ruggiero, CEO Merqurio, Dr. Daniele Scetta, with delegation to Chiara Bove, CEO Farmimpresa Srl, Dr. Mariagrazia D’Isanto, Efarma, Dr. Pasquale Frega, represented by Dr. Marco Scotto of Novartis, Dr. Fabrizio D’Errico, Gmm Farma of the Sofarmamorra Group, and Prof. Carlo Ranaudo, Association of popularizing pharmacists. Prof. Morello summarized the process of updating and adapting the pharmacy study course, which began in the 2022-2023 academic year, for the purposes of the qualifying value of the qualification, illustrating the professional profiles identified, the training objectives, the results of expected learning, the planned training activities and Almalaurea data relating to the employment and post-graduate training of pharmacy graduates from the University of Salerno.

Positive opinion on the training program presented

Dr. De Francesco highlighted the positive data in the employment field and the congruence of the training objectives with the needs of Pharmacy graduates, underlining the consolidated collaboration between the Department and the Order of Pharmacists of Salerno. Dr. Ruggiero commented with interest on the data on post-graduate training, while Prof. Saviano underlined the importance of carrying out more in-depth investigations on the type of employment of graduates and of proposing seminars to further enhance the professional skills of the pharmacist . Dr. Di Stasio expressed a largely positive opinion on the training course, underlining the importance of the basic and characterizing courses to guarantee the high level of competence required. Dr. D’Isanto suggested deepening digital skills not only from an e-commerce perspective but also from a “personal branding” perspective. Prof. Morello concluded the meeting by committing to maintaining a continuous dialogue with the social partners to constantly monitor the effectiveness of the training.

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