Exhibition on Matteotti and Di Vagno in four Apulian municipalities

Two great figures of the twentieth century, two different stories united by the commitment, by the fight against the fascist dictatorship in a traveling exhibition, promoted and organized by the National Partisan Association of Altamura and Cassano delle Murge of Bari and by the Anpi of the province of Bari, which in addition to Altamura and Cassano, it will also touch Santeramo in Colle and Gravina in Puglia. An event, on the centenary of the Matteotti crime, organized in collaboration with the Di Vagno foundation which made the exhibition material available. Not only photos, but also insights into a season that is such a part of the memory and of the struggles for freedom and democracy in our country, “undermined” by pseudo-reformist designs (differentiated autonomy and premiership) that undermine the integrity of the Constitution. The inauguration tomorrow, May 23, in Gravina, at the civic museum in Piazza Benedetto XIII. Speakers will be Luigi Quaranta, councilor of the Di Vagno Foundation, Anna Lepore provincial secretary of Anpi Bari, Giovanni Capurso, historian and vice-president of Anpi of Corato. The speeches will be preceded by greetings from the mayor Fedele Lagreca and the president of Anpi Gravina, Rosa Fiore.

The ANPI sections of Altamura-Cassano delle Murge, Gravina and Santeramo in Colle in Colle, and the Provincial ANPI of Bari, have decided to pay homage to the memory of Giacomo Matteotti, martyr of the civil resistance to the fascist dictatorship, bringing to the four municipalities of Murgia, the

Historical-documentary exhibition “Giuseppe Di Vagno and Giacomo Matteotti between History and Memory” made available by the Di Vagno Foundation.

An ever-current exhibition that parallels the stories of the two Italian politicians who fought, sacrificing their lives, to oppose the fascist dictatorship and whose biographies reveal various similarities.

Their teaching and that of many other victims of the cruelty of fascism, animated the Partisan Resistance against the Nazi-fascists, in defense of the values ​​of freedom, peace, democracy, legality, equality, values ​​sanctioned by fathers and mothers constituents in the Italian Constitution that we must always try to update and implement.

In each Municipality the Exhibition will be inaugurated with the presence of the organisers, administrators and speakers and initiatives will take place at the same time which will include moments of reflection and insights entrusted to writers, historians, experts on the topic and also to different artistic forms and expressions.
In the next few days, events related to the exhibition will be communicated in the various municipalities with related details.
All citizens are invited to participate.


Centenary of the death of Giacomo Matteotti.
“Birth of a dictatorship”.

On 10 June 1924 Giacomo Matteotti, a socialist deputy, was barbarously murdered in Rome by 5 hitmen from the CEKA, the secret fascist political police, led by Amerigo Dumini.
A show trial followed and subsequently facts and circumstances established that the real instigator was Mussolini.
June 10, 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the Matteotti crime. Initiatives are taking place throughout Italy that will last the whole year, to bring to memory and knowledge this dark period in the history of our country so that nothing is forgotten and so that the exemplary figure of Giacomo Matteotti is highlighted. We certainly cannot forget his contribution to the conquests of the laborers and workers, or his commitment to peace and the insurrectionary forms of struggle against the country’s entry into the Great War, or his opposition to the electoral law which had already created false majorities, and the attempt to weaken Parliament with the serious crisis of the democratic system. All extremely current topics that can certainly serve as a warning today.

For this reason, the ANPI sections of Altamura-Cassano delle Murge, Gravina and Santeramo in Colle, and the Provincial ANPI of Bari, have decided to pay homage to the memory of Giacomo Matteotti, martyr of the civil resistance to the fascist dictatorship, bringing to the four municipalities della Murgia, the historical-documentary exhibition “Giuseppe Di Vagno and Giacomo Matteotti between History and Memory” curated by Vito Antonio Leuzzi, Guido Lorusso, Gianna Granati and Alfonso Isinelli. made available by the Di Vagno Foundation.

An ever-current exhibition that parallels the stories of the two Italian politicians who fought, sacrificing their lives, to oppose the fascist dictatorship and whose biographies reveal various similarities. Their teaching and that of many other victims of the cruelty of fascism, animated the Partisan Resistance against the Nazi-fascists, in defense of the values ​​of freedom, peace, democracy, legality, equality, values ​​sanctioned by fathers and mothers constituents in the Italian Constitution, values ​​that are always current.
The exhibition and related initiatives will benefit from the patronage of the Municipalities of Altamura, Gravina in Puglia, Santeramo in Colle and Cassano delle Murge, as well as the patronage of the Giacomo Matteotti House Museum and the Celebrations Committee in Puglia, teachers network 1924-2024
The exhibition itinerary:
− Gravina in Puglia from Thursday 23 May 2024 to Saturday 1 June 2024
Civic Museum, Piazza Benedetto XIII.
− ⁠Altamura from Monday 3 June to Wednesday 12 June 2024
Santa Croce Conservatory, Via Santa Croce.
− ⁠Santeramo in Colle from Friday 14 June to Saturday 22 June 2024
Don Tonino Bello Hall of the Marchesale Palace.
− ⁠Cassano delle Murge from Tuesday 1 October to Thursday 31 October 2024
Municipal art gallery in Palazzo Miani Perotti.

In each Municipality the Exhibition will be inaugurated with the presence of the organisers, administrators and speakers and initiatives will take place at the same time which will include moments of reflection and insights entrusted to writers, historians, experts on the topic and also to different artistic forms and expressions.
In the next few days, events related to the exhibition will be communicated in the various municipalities with related details.
All citizens are invited to participate.

May 21, 2024

The Presidents of the ANPI Sections of Altamura, Gravina in Puglia, Santeramo in Colle
Lucia Perrone, Rosa Fiore, Rosa Dimita.

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