“M. gave the OK for the murder”

The friendships with the groups of Albanian criminals and those with the right-wing extremists who were part of the ultras group of the Irriducibili. The affairs with Arben Zogu, known as Riccardino or the Dwarf, and Elvis Demce, two who over the years have become among the most dangerous and feared narcos in Rome. And the soldiers recruited in Curva Nord. Souls who gave life to the Ponte Milvio battery which then had relationships with Michele Senese and Massimo Carminati.

Reconstructing in the courtroom the figure of Fabrizio Piscitelli and the context in which his murder took place was the commander of the investigative unit of the Rome Carabinieri, Dario Ferrara, heard in the courtroom on the information, drawn up together with the flying squad, filed in recent weeks in the trial for the murder of ‘Diabolik’, killed with a blow to the head on 7 August 2019 in the Acquedotti park. Accused for that crime which upset the criminal balance in the capital is the Argentinian Raul Esteban Calderon, accused of voluntary homicide aggravated by the mafia method and illegal possession of weapons.

The Albanians

”The group of Albanians with Zogu at the top was part of an organization dedicated to drug trafficking – explained Ferrara in response to questions from prosecutors Rita Ceraso and Mario Palazzi – established in the northern area of ​​the capital and Acilia which could also count on support from the abroad. The Albanian group was then dismantled with the ‘Vento dell’Est’ operation conducted by the GDF’s Gico between 2014 and 2015 but despite this the bond between Piscitelli, his men and the Albanians was not severed. The bond continued to be very strong, so strong that it was not severed even after Diabolik’s death in 2019.”

Among the interceptions cited in the courtroom during the testimony is that of May 2020 where Bardhi Petrit, known as ‘Titti’, close to Piscitelli, speaks with one of his compatriots. A conversation where ”the involvement is evident – underlined the commander of the Investigative Unit – of Leandro Bennato (boss of Casalotti) and Giuseppe Molisso (boss of Tor Bella Monaca) who allegedly pushed Alessandro Capriotti, also known as ‘er Fornaro’ or ‘er Billiardero’ to do it, the reference is to the appointment that led Piscitelli to his death”.

“M’s OK”

Furthermore, in a chat, a phrase is captured that casts a shadow on the instigator of that heinous crime. Those who end up intercepted are the men who are part of the Rome narcos and who claim that there was ”M’s approval” for the murder. M, has Commander Ferrara in the courtroom, ”it’s Michele Senese”, known as ‘Michele O Pazz’ and number one in the Roman Camorra. There’s more. Another passage was also read in the information. “But how, Diablo earns 200 thousand a month and sends 2 thousand?”. The question is asked by Alessandro Corvesi, a former footballer in business with Elvis Demce and other narcos, to a friend of his who is also in business with the Albanians.

A question of money and respect. In essence, Piscitelli, according to the interpretation of those investigating, would not have respected the agreements on the percentage of the stratospheric proceeds from drug trafficking.


From the murder of ‘Diablo’, as Commander Ferrara underlined, reactions follow. The attempted murder of Leandro Bennato was, Ferrara explained, ”the first of the reactions to avenge Piscitelli. ”Leandro Bennato is wounded and Matteo is believed to be the perpetrator, who we identify as Matteo Costacurta and Bennato himself, having left the hospital, starts searching with Calderon for the person who shot him, he had seen the person who had shot him in the face – it was said in classroom during the testimony of the investigator – A few days later Leandro Bennato will be arrested in Grande Raccordo Criminale”.

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