Vittorio, followed in Trani and operated on in Bisceglie: «Everything perfect, and with so much humanity»

Vittorio, followed in Trani and operated on in Bisceglie: «Everything perfect, and with so much humanity»
Vittorio, followed in Trani and operated on in Bisceglie: «Everything perfect, and with so much humanity»

“During your life, you may have to entrust yourself or a loved one to the care of a doctor.
Whether it is a treatment process or a surgical operation, the feeling you feel at the end of the therapeutic period is certainly one of gratitude.
For this reason I extend a “Personal praise to Dr. Fabio Mininni” to all the staff, nurses, social health workers and assistants.
I was honestly amazed by the warmth, availability, humanity, scrupulousness and extraordinary professionalism in carrying out their tireless work.
On May 20, 2024, I completed Day Service PCB02, an exhalation phacoemulsion operation for an intraocular artificial crystal cataract.
Everything took place perfectly at the Simple Unit of Valenza Ophthalmology Day-Service department ASL BT with the responsible manager Dr. Pasquale Attimonelli.
As far as I’m concerned, their work did not go unnoticed, before and after the operation, and it left me with an indelible memory.
Medicines can cure diseases, but the encouraging words of a good doctor can give you the strength to fight from within.
Referring to a quote from Pablo Neruda, I share that: a single word, worn out, but which shines like an old coin: Thank you!”.

Vittorio Cassinesi


(na) The story narrated by our colleague and friend, Vittorio Cassinesi, demonstrates how the health of the BAT is anything but to be thrown away and, in this case, how the simple ophthalmology departmental unit of the ASL Bt now works steadily in synergy between the Trani and Bisceglie complexes. And a man from Trani in Bisceglie goes there and undergoes the operation willingly, remaining favorably impressed.

As already repeatedly explained by the ASL Bt, and more recently by the General Director Tiziana Dimatteo during the monothematic municipal council meeting last month, the outpatient activities and low impact interventions are all held in Trani, while those with anesthetic risk Asa 3 and Asa 4 take place in Bisceglie.

Everything is headed by the head of the facility, Dr. Pasquale Attimonelli, and his increasingly proven staff. Despite many detractors, Vittorio’s story seems to indicate to us that we are, and will remain, in good hands.

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