The students of Ferraris Pancaldo of Savona visiting the University Campus of Legino

Savona. On Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd May the students of ITIS Ferraris Pancaldo of Savona visited the University Campus of Legino.

There are three days of orientation for around 200 students (in total over the three days) of the final year, who will graduate in a month and will probably enroll at university, perhaps the one in Savona.

During the morning, in addition to the visit to the classrooms, laboratories, sports fields and library, the course for higher technicians for energy supply and construction of systems with specialization in “Industry 4.0” industrial applications and in the home automation which will be banned in the summer.

Like every year, Indire (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) has processed and analyzed the data relating to ITS, this time examining the 349 courses completed as of 31 December 2022 by 9,246 students belonging to 98 different institutes and the data, especially for regarding employment, they are positive.

Indire is a research body of the Ministry of Education and represents the point of reference for Italy regarding educational research through the creation of new teaching models, the implementation of new technologies and any changes to be implemented .

Below are the ten most significant results that emerged from the Indire 2024 report:

1. 87% of 2022 graduates found jobs in 2023

This year’s employment figure is the best ever. One year after graduation, 87% of students found work, and of these, 93.8% found it in a sector consistent with their study path. The last report (relating to 2021 data) saw employment at 86.5%.

Among the ITS, the highest figure was recorded, as has already happened, in the Mechanics System area with 90.9% of students employed one year after the end of the two-year period. In second place is Sustainable Mobility with 90.3%.

2. The typical ITS student is male: the female percentage struggles to increase

The gender component among those enrolled in Higher Technical Institutes has always been very unbalanced towards the male sex: this report has also highlighted the gap, with results even worse than the previous year.

In fact, 73.5% of students are male, with the female component falling from 26.7% to 26.5%.

3. ITS are increasingly attractive but the number of course participants is still low

The gap between the number of applications and the actual number of students enrolled compared to those who passed the selection is extremely large.

In 2022, 26,283 applications for registration arrived, of which 84.3% actually took the selection and 88.5% passed the test. Of these, however, only 47.2% actually signed up. Out of over 26 thousand applications for registration, only 9,246 students registered.

There is also a positive fact, however: in 2021 there were 25,670 applications, therefore an increase in attractiveness and general interest in the ITS world.

4. The technological area with the most members is the mechanical one

Analyzing the number of signed registration applications, it was highlighted that the New technologies for Made in Italy area is the most requested, with over 14 thousand applications. Within this area, the Mechanics System is the most attractive, with 7,785 questions. In second place we find the area of ​​information and communication technologies.

The system that is least attractive when registering is that of the Casa with only 348 members.

5. Teaching: in 9 years the hours dedicated to theory have increased, those of internships have decreased

Compared to 2013, the hours dedicated to internships in companies constitute an increasingly smaller part of the teaching plan. From 47% 9 years ago it went to 43%, with the figure unchanged from 2020. At the same time, the hours of theoretical lessons in business and research laboratories increased from 16% to 29% in 2022, the highest figure never achieved.

Teaching hours managed by teachers from the world of work also increased from 62% of total lessons in 2013 to 74% in 2022.

6. ITS paths with enabling technologies are growing

The positive growth trend of ITS courses continues with 4.0 enabling technologies, which positively influence the probability of students’ employment once they obtain their diploma.

Compared to the 18% of institutes in 2017, in 2022 as many as 78.2% of courses included the teaching of these technologies, among which the most used is confirmed to be Simulation (47%), i.e. the simulation between interconnected machines to optimize the processes.

7. The percentage of students enrolled over 30 is increasing

Students who attend an ITS course have very different situations in terms of age: they range from 18 year olds to over 30s.

The largest percentage of members is those aged 20-24, 42.9%, followed by the 18-19 group with 37.4%, both slightly decreasing compared to 2021. The figure for the over 30s is growing, which from ‘8.6% of 2021 went to 9.4%, the percentage of 25-29 year olds also increased albeit to a lesser extent.

8. ITS growth is uneven

The growth of the ITS system in general is progressive but some interesting trends are highlighted: the ITSs which have gained the most experience over time have grown most significantly in the last five years. Over the years, the latter have increasingly increased the educational paths offered to students, compared to other institutes whose growth in this sense has not occurred.

It is therefore an uneven growth: the most critical cases are in the South and on the Islands, with the exception of Puglia.

9. Businesses are the main link between ITS and the world of work

ITS represent a model of public-private collaboration and are structured according to a model that favors and allows integration between different institutional subjects.

In fact, schools, universities, training bodies, local businesses and public institutions collaborate in each Foundation. According to 2022 data, the main partners of the 98 ITS taken into consideration are mostly companies and business associations, which represent 49.5% of the total partners. In second place were secondary schools with 15.4%.

10. Most ITS students come from a technical college

Taking into consideration all those enrolled in a professional training course, we note that the majority come from a technical diploma: in 2013 these represented 69.2% while in 2022 they represented 57.2%. On the other hand, there is an increase in enrollments coming from a high school diploma, 23.2%, and a professional diploma, 14.5%.

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