«Compliance with the minimum wage for procurement companies in the Puglia Region»

«Compliance with the minimum wage for procurement companies in the Puglia Region»
«Compliance with the minimum wage for procurement companies in the Puglia Region»

“The unacceptable number of people who, despite working, live in conditions of poverty, leads us to consider it useful to include, among the reward criteria for the awarding of a contract, a minimum hourly salary of no less than nine euros gross for the workers.”

So the Regional Councilor Michele Mazzarano, President of the V Regional Commission.

The reference is to the amendment, first signatory himself Mazzaranoand colleagues Lucia Parchitelli, Pierluigi Lopalco, Filippo Caracciolo and Paolo Campo, which introduces compliance with the minimum wage, for contracting and subcontracting companies, in the tenders of the Puglia Region. There bill is “Provisions for the quality and safety of work, for the fight against contractual dumping, as well as for employment stability in public procurement or concession contracts carried out in the regional territory”proposed by councilor Francesco La Notte.

The amendment was approved with 24 votes in favor and 10 against in today’s session of the Regional Council.

“A sort of reward – concludes Mazzarano – for companies, awarding contracts, which guarantee standards of quality, well-being and safety for workers and which for this reason can be considered virtuous if they respect the minimum threshold of nine euros gross as economic compensation.

On the minimum wage, whose bill has stalled in Parliament, – concludes Mazzarano – the Puglia Region wants to be an outpost of concrete experimentation despite the strong and hostile opposition of the centre-right forces”.

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