Bradyseism, the cry for help of the evicted: “We are spending hundreds of euros and no one helps us”

Exactly two weeks after the last strong seismic swarm recorded in Phlegraean Fields which has changed the lives of many people, the situation is dramatic in particular for displaced families who have been forced to leave their homes.

Many of these, in fact, are still waiting for accommodation in a hotel for about ten days. Other families, however, received accommodation with destination Trecasenear Torre Annunziata, or towards Castel Volturno And Casagiove to Caserta.

Destinations too far away for the displaced Pozzuoli people who cannot move 40 kilometers from their home because the daily expenses would be excessive to be able to return to Pozzuoli where they work or where their children go to school.

The request of the displaced is therefore to have a subsidy to be able to choose where to live and do so independently, until their home is uninhabitable. This option, in fact, would also be advantageous for the Campania region which is collaborating with the Municipality to find accommodation for the displaced.

“No to hotels! Yes to contributions to pay the rent independently. Funds to make buildings earthquake-proof, and they say that Pozzuoli is alive! At most there are survivors.” he claims Laura Iovinellione of the displaced people and founder of the Campi Flegrei Emergency Committee.

“It is impossible to accept a hotel in Casagiove when work activities, school and our belongings are in Pozzuoli. They have to help us, we need help,” adds another displaced person.

“You cannot live in a hotel room, much less at the Palatrincone on cots with mixed men and women, without a minimum of privacy. You can’t throw us in Trecase, Casagiove. Here in Pozzuoli people have jobs, their children go to school, they have elderly parents, there are those who undergo treatment in the hospitals of Naples which are easily reachable from Pozzuoli by public transport also because not everyone has a car”, is another resident’s cry for help.

In conclusion this is the appeal of the displaced: “We want decent accommodation that allows us a semblance of normality, because if everything has returned to normal for you, for those who had to leave home, their memories, those few certainties, nothing is normal anymore. We don’t have any certainties, we don’t know what will become of us and for those who are in financial trouble everything is exacerbated.”

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