“When art denounces”, three artists between texts and paintings

“When art denounces”, three artists between texts and paintings
“When art denounces”, three artists between texts and paintings

The Mara Soldi Maretti Study Committeewith the collaboration and patronage of the Municipality of Cremona and Confcommercio, organizes the show When art denounceswhich will be inaugurated on Thursday 30 May in the Salone degli Alabardieri of the Municipality of Cremona.

Art also has the purpose of bringing current issues and social problems of particular interest to attention. In this case the exhibition which makes use of the work of three artists, through drawings and texts, it lays bare some fundamental themes that mark today’s social reality: the disparity in work between men and women, the salvation of the planet, mental illness seen not as fragility, but as an opportunity, the validity of dreams, feminicide, the contradiction in the USA between the consent to weapons and the veto on abortion , the dream of American power, the tragedy of plastic for the planet, the right and duty to vote, disability, the big American dream of power and war, the resistance of Iranian women.

The exhibition unfolds on grates installed in the Alabardieri hall in the Municipality. They exhibit Rachel Coltz pop artist and muralist and for the first time ever the self-taught disabled person Marta Gravante.

These are two artists who are different from each other, but the participation of Marta Gravante wants to give value to the inclusiveness of the exhibition: a disabled woman who has given meaning to her life through her love for literature and now for painting, a very colorful and genuine painting.

The journalist-artist Lucia Zanotti instead he participates with texts that interpret Rachel Coltz’s paintings. There are around thirty works in total which will remain on display from 30 May to 15 June according to the Municipality’s timetable.

On a panel the public will be asked to interact with the exhibition by indicating which social problems concern them most today and will also be able to scan the QR code and hear the texts read by the author Lucia Zanotti.

They will be present at the inauguration Luca BurgazziCouncilor for Culture and Rosita Violacouncilor for Social Policies and Fragility.

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