Gangmaster, wanted Pakistani blocked at the border of Fiumicino airport – Livornopress

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May 21, 2024

Livorno 21 May 2024 – Gangmaster, wanted Pakistani blocked at the border of Fiumicino airport

During the night of last April 29, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno carried out a precautionary custody order in prison, issued by the investigating judge of the Court of Livorno, against 10 people of Pakistani nationality who were seriously suspected, for various reasons and in complicity among them, of the crime of “illicit intermediation and exploitation of labor”.

Among the recipients of the arrest order, in addition to the eight already in prison, another was missing, a 57-year-old Pakistani citizen. This man – against whom there was an international arrest order duly requested by the men of the Piombino Operational and Radiomobile Unit who conducted the delicate and detailed investigation – was blocked late on Saturday evening right at the air border of the “Leonardo Da Vinci” airport ” of Rome-Fiumicino, flight coming from Doha (Qatar). Furthermore, the same person is the owner of an individual company involved in the dynamics revealed by the investigators regarding the illicit recruitment of labor from the CAS Le Caravelle of Rio Torto in the municipality of Piombino (the Le Caravelle Extraordinary Reception Center is not involved in the investigations of the Carabinieri of Livorno). At the end of the ritual formalities, the aforementioned was immediately restricted to the nearest prison in Civitavecchia.

With reference to the recent well-known investigation, called “Barefoot Feet”, coordinated by the local Prosecutor’s Office and conducted by the Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Piombino Company with the support of the Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate Unit of Livorno, it made it possible to reconstruct the illicit use of manpower implemented by 6 owners of individual businesses operating in the agricultural sector, who, also making use of other entities for the recruitment, daily transport and control of workers, employed, taking advantage of their state of need, 67 citizens of Pakistani nationality and Bengali hosted at the Extraordinary Reception Center – CAS “Le Caravelle” in Piombino (LI) for the harvesting of vegetables/olives as well as cleaning of vineyards on land in the provinces of Livorno and Grosseto. The investigations had ascertained the indices of exploitation of non-EU citizens employed, noting the absence of a regular employment contract, a repeated violation of the legislation relating to working hours (with peaks of 10 hours per day, without the expected breaks) and to the economic treatment (with fees always well below the 10.56 euros envisaged by the contract. In one case even equal to 0.97 euros per hour), with systematic violation of the rules on safety and hygiene. During the operation, a preventive seizure decree of €45,000 was also carried out as a profit ascertained by INPS following the failure to pay social security and insurance contributions for illicitly employed workers.

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