Chiesi Italia, the 2024 impact report has been published

Chiesi Italia, the 2024 impact report has been published
Chiesi Italia, the 2024 impact report has been published

«At Chiesi we want to redesign the boundaries of the traditional pharmaceutical sector through a new way of doing business. The primary objective we seek to achieve is to generate more value for society and the environment than we use to operate, recognizing the complexity of the challenge this represents, as well as the responsibility we have to address it urgently. As Chiesi Italia and together with the other branches of the Group, we therefore intend to demonstrate that in the pharmaceutical sector doing business for the collective good is possible and profitable”. This is what we read in the 2024 Impact Report published by Chiesi Italia.

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«Contribute to people’s well-being»

The document states that «we firmly believe in the strength that such a change of mentality contains and we work to get closer every day to the model of innovation towards sustainability that we would like to represent for other companies in the sector. We do this by interpreting and applying the vocation and objectives of common benefit of the Chiesi Group with a formal and substantial commitment, which today allows us to affirm that those same objectives are part of Chiesi’s DNA and constitute the distinctive features of our activity and way of operate. We were born to contribute to the well-being of people and we know that such a lofty objective involves taking a position in the face of humanity’s great challenges and aligning with the great international movements that support sustainable development, such as the 2030 Agenda of United Nations, Europe’s carbon neutral target for 2050 and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”.

Chiesi’s contribution to sustainability

Continuing the reading, the company underlined that «looking at the great change we are experiencing, of which the international commitments cited are testimony, we have developed our vision for 2028, which sees our contribution to sustainability, centered on Italian excellence in Research & Development in the Air (products & services that promote respiratory health, from newborn to adult) areas, Rare (treatments & services for patients suffering from rare and very rare diseases) and Care (products & services related to Special Care & Consumer Healthcare ), with the aim of creating value for all stakeholders through sustainable solutions.” Therefore «this Impact Report is the testimony of our commitment and the tangible story of how our beneficial aims are translated into action and improvement objectives, outlined year after year».

«Actively contribute to ongoing change and the creation of shared value»

Raffaello Innocenti, CEO of Chiesi Italia, explained in the introduction that «in Chiesi Italia we have always shared the same values ​​and the same approach as the Group and our commitment is to actively contribute to the change underway and to the creation of shared value, defining specific activities and projects”. Therefore, according to Innocenti «being a Benefit Company requires and allows us to direct the resources of Chiesi Italia in an effective and structured way, according to four purposes of common benefit chosen in line with those of Chiesi Farmaceutici and pursued with daily commitment in specific activities to our reality.” Please refer to the full version of the document published on the Chiesi Italia website.

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