Elections in Pescara, Renzi: “European army for common defense”

“A European army and diplomacy for common defense”: thus the leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi in Pescara as part of the electoral tour for the European and local elections

This afternoon he participated in the public meeting at the Petruzzi Auditorium in Via delle Caserme in support of Gianluca Fusillicandidate for mayor of Pescara for the United States of Europe list.

Answering questions from journalists who asked him the first two things he would do if he were elected, Matteo Renzi said: “As a father, I am worried about the international geopolitical situation: Iran, Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa. I believe that we need common defence, a European army, but also a European diplomacy worthy of the name because if we continue like this we risk being irrelevant as a Europe”.

Renzi reiterated that Europe “needs more democracy, with the direct election of the President of the Commission, overcoming the veto power, working for a real common European defense, investing in artificial intelligence innovation, fighting for non-ideological environmental sustainability, that safeguards European jobs. We need a European constitution that recognizes and values ​​identities and roots: the Christian-Jewish ones, the Greek-Roman ones, those of the Renaissance and humanism”.

The other issue indicated by Renzi is that of healthcare: “The money for healthcare, from the healthcare ESM, 37 billion euros that Europe would give us if only there were no ideological ‘no’ from Meloni, Salvini and Conte”.

Referring to the construction sites and traffic on the A14 motorway, as soon as he arrived in the Adriatic capital Matteo Renzi he told journalists: “I didn’t understand if after the campaign for the regional elections Salvini came every now and then because we queued for two and a half hours.”

Getting out of the car, before being interviewed, the leader of Italia Viva joked by asking: “but is Salvini on holiday? It is also essential for this to spend European money, not on chatter as the Government is doing. And this is why we are telling the Europeans to vote for the United States of Europe, that is, to vote for that political force that asks for European money to be used well.”

The regional president of Italia Viva Camillo D’Alessandro said: “In Europe with Matteo Renzi, in Pescara with Gianluca Fusilli to change things, to get serious about the electoral frauds that weaken Italy: Fratelli d’Italia, Democratic Party, Action and Forza Italia, with their respective leaders, Meloni, Schlein, Calenda and Taiani, have chosen the path of electoral deception. They are running but if elected they will not go to Europe. This happens in no other European country, no other prime minister in Europe is a candidate. Then it is obvious that we make Brussels laugh, among other things in a complex time, not as ordinary as the one we live in with a war on our doorstep. The only national leader who, if elected, goes to Europe, is Matteo Renzi”.

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