Sports Judge. Maxi sanction for Vicenza and Taranto. Pugliesi two matches behind closed doors

Sports Judge. Maxi sanction for Vicenza and Taranto. Pugliesi two matches behind closed doors
Sports Judge. Maxi sanction for Vicenza and Taranto. Pugliesi two matches behind closed doors

The Sports Judge Dr. Stefano Palazzi, assisted by Irene Papi and the AIA Representative Mr. Marco Ravaglioli, in the session of 19 May 2024 adopted the resolutions which are reported in full below:


The Sports Judge notes that, from the reports acquired in the documents (Arbitration report, federal procedural report, RCC, photographic documentation), the following appears:

A) the supporters of the Taranto Club, positioned in the Curva Nord A sector, launched: 1. in the 1st minute of the first half, fifteen high intensity firecrackers, five smoke bombs and a seat on the pitch; five smoke bombs, three high-powered firecrackers and a seat in the playpen; during these acts the cap of an exploded firecracker hit the DGE of the LR Vicenza club who was inside the playing field together with other service personnel while they were carrying out the reclamation of the playing field to allow the resumption of play of the match suspended for 8 minutes from the Referee; 2. in the 24th minute of the first half, while a fireman was preparing to put out a smoke bomb on the pitch, a high-power firecracker was thrown towards him which exploded a short distance from him, another high-power firecracker it was thrown near the sector reserved for service operators, hitting a Steward in the foot, causing a lacerated wound with loss of blood and stunning another Steward; after the first immediate treatment by the health workers, they were accompanied to the local hospital for further checks; 3. during the interval, four smoke bombs, a seat and a half-full bottle of water, these throws forced the Referee to start the second half one minute late; 4. in the 10th minute of the second half, a smoke bomb on the pitch in the penalty area forced the Referee to interrupt the match for a minute. The launch of the aforementioned smoke bombs and firecrackers caused damage to the LEDs positioned on the edge of the pitch and to the covering sheets; Furthermore, damage with visible burns was also caused to the Stewards’ personal objects (bags and jackets);

B) the Taranto supporters, at the end of the match, after the teams returned to the changing rooms, damaged and threw thirty-eight child seats on the pitch and forty-eight child seats in the playing area, two fire extinguishers and three batteries;

C) Taranto supporters damaged many parts of the toilets in the sector reserved for them;

D) the reports also revealed the following conduct against the supporters of the LR Vicenza club, occupying the Curva Sud sector: in the first minute of the first half, in response to the throws made by the opposing fans, they threw twelve smoke bombs on the pitch, contributing to the interruption of the match from the 1st to the 8th minute; furthermore, during the match, they threw three smoke bombs into the playing area and six firecrackers onto the pitch, without consequences.

Company LR VICENZA FINE OF EURO 10,000.00

Continuation considered, measure of the sanction in application of the articles. 6, 13, paragraph 2, 25, paragraph 3 and 26 CGS, having evaluated the overall nature of the facts and that the facts indicated above are characterized by particular gravity, as they represented a significant risk for the safety of members, fans and of the service workers, having noted that no consequences occurred (other than the competition in the interruption of the tender described above) and considering the measures envisaged and implemented in application of the organizational models pursuant to art. 29 CGS (Arbitration law, federal procedure law, civil liability insurance, civil liability insurance integration).


From the above, the seriousness of the behavior of TARANTO supporters is evident. Indeed, the conduct reported above was perpetrated in violation of the articles. 6, 25 and 26 CGS and constitute facts contrary to the rules regarding order and safety and violent facts which constitute a danger to public safety. In this case it should be noted that they led, even in concrete terms, to the suspension of the match for eight minutes by the Referee, the delayed resumption of the game after the interval of approximately one minute and another interruption of the match in the 10th minute of the second time for a minute. Furthermore, they represented a significant risk for the safety of members and fans and service workers and caused extensive damage to the sports facility as the launch of the pyrotechnic material led to detrimental consequences for the two Stewards and the DGE of the LR Vicenza company.

In light of the above and observed, in the above conduct a case of particular gravity must be considered recurring which, in application of paragraph 3 of the art. 26 cit., imposes the infliction, jointly or severally, of one of the sanctions referred to in the art. 8, paragraph 1, letters d), e), f), CGS In identifying the most appropriate sanction and fairly commensurate with the seriousness of the conduct perpetrated and the concrete consequences resulting from it, the sanction provided for by letter e) and that is, the obligation on the Taranto Company to play one or more matches behind closed doors, in addition to the imposition of a fine. The appropriate gradation of the sanction, commensurate with the seriousness of the facts examined, appears to be the one indicated below. Once the continuation is considered, the amount of the sanction is determined in application of the articles. 6, 8, lett. b) and e), 13, paragraph 2, 25 and 26, paragraph 3 CGS, having assessed the overall nature of the facts and their seriousness, having noted that the sanctioned club played the match away from home (Arbitration ruling, federal procedure ruling ., RCC, RCC integration, photographic documentation – obligation to pay damages if requested). The measure itself is attenuated in consideration of the organizational models adopted pursuant to art. 29 CGS

As a result, it imposes the sanction of playing two home matches behind closed doors and a fine of EURO 15,000.00.

FINE €1,500.00 CATANIA

A) to have almost all (90%) of his supporters, positioned in the Curva Nord Sector Superiore Red Sector and Lower Blue Sector, intoned in the 8th minute of the first half, repeated twice, an offensive and insulting chorus towards the fans of another opposing team who, directly or indirectly, have caused offence, denigration or insult for reasons of territorial origin;

B) to have almost all (90%) of its supporters, positioned in the Curva Sud Sector, Sector Superiore Rosso and Inferiore Azzurro, intoned in the 8th minute of the first half, repeated twice, an offensive and insulting chorus towards the fans of another opposing team who, directly or indirectly, have caused offence, denigration or insult for reasons of territorial origin;

C) to have part of its supporters (40%), positioned in the Curva Nord Sector Upper Red Sector and Lower Blue Sector, tuned: in the 44th minute of the first half for two minutes; in the 35th minute of the second half for two minutes and in the 36th minute of the second half an offensive and insulting chant towards the fans of the opposing team five times;

D) to have his supporters, positioned in the Stand B Sector, in the 4th, 17th and 18th minute of the second half, during the taking of three corner kicks by an opposing player, aimed a bright laser beam of green color of considerable brightness, in the direction of the opposing player’s face; on one of the aforementioned occasions the laser beam hit the face of the footballer who was forced to cover his eyes with his arm before proceeding to throw the ball back into play.


A) for actions contrary to the rules regarding order and safety and for violent actions committed by his supporters, positioned in the Dstinti Sector, representing a danger to public safety, consisting in having launched, in the 25th minute of the second half, a minor firecracker, in the playpen, without consequences;

B) for having his supporters, positioned in the Distinti Sector, in the 39th minute of the second half, display a banner denigrating a player of the opposing club for about a minute.

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