“Poor” kids in Sicily. Stories of minors without food, books, sports

Poor Boys in Sicily. There are those who would like “to focus 100% on the study” but must “work to pay for it”, studying and working “is not easy for adults, let alone for us”. A boy of Catania would like to take part in the school trip, a few days out with his classmates, but in family “there are no 350 euros needed”, in fact the father can’t even give him “one couple of money to eat and so I have to keep my teeth tight and resist“. There are those who hope that the government will give “us kids the visits medical supplies or school supplies to those who need them.” I am stories of Sicilian boys and teenagers who see a lot shadows about their future. Little stories that Save the Children has collected in the latest research conducted on child poverty in Italy. Among the main data that emerge, some are: dramatic. For every four minors we see in a school classroom or in a square chasing a ball, one is at risk of poverty and exclusion social. More than 1.3 million already live in conditions poverty absolute.

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There is a lack of food and clothing, there is a risk of marginalization

From the analysis of Save the Children a picture emerges of deprivations materials, from health to education, very worrying and with very socio-economic conditions unfavorable. A threat to living conditions current of minors than theirs hopes for the following years. From difficulties to purchasing books for school, to sacrifices food, sport And clothing, a door opens towards potential marginalization. Today’s children risk being excluded from opportunities growth, training and therefore personal and professional fulfillment. In all this the Sicily it remains a difficult land. Here the share of children and young people who do not consume at least one meal protein per day it exceeds 8%, the worst figure in Italy (according to Openpolis on Istat data). Again here, not even 14% of schools have one cafeteriacompared to 72% in the Aosta Valley.

In Sicily the share of children and young people who do not consume at least one protein meal a day exceeds 8%. Followed by Campania (5.4%), Basilicata (4.9%) and Lazio (4.5%). While the percentage does not reach 1% in the Marche, Abruzzo, Puglia and Piedmont. Source: Openpolis – Con i Bambini processing on Istat data.

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Ten percent of teenagers live in poverty

Poverty material serious is a grip in which, in Italy, almost one in ten 15-16 year olds find themselves (9.4%), around 108 thousand teenagers. Among the guys who responded to Save the Children17.9% admit that parents have “difficulty in covering the expenses for the purchase of food, clothing or for the payment of bills“. Nearly 8% live in homes without one heating or with an empty fridge (6.4%). Over 15% give up going out and over 16% don’t sport because it’s too expensive. There are no vacation for 30.8% of young people, for economic reasons. 11.6% cannot buy shoes new ones, even if he needs them. Material poverty affects opportunities educational: 23.9% of 15-16 year olds started the school year without having been able to purchase all the books or necessary materials. 24% declare that i parents they have economic difficulties to make them participate in field trips schools and 17.4% do not enroll in courses tongue because they are too expensive.

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Stable job and a family “where we love each other”

What they would like to do as adults today’s kids? They want a Work stable. More than 90 percent of the boys and girls interviewed hope for it, regardless of their starting economic condition. Over a third of teenagers dreams of moving abroadalmost double between minors belonging to families of migrants second generation. “Among kids below the threshold of deprivation material and their peers above that threshold, there are differences regarding the desire to to continue the studies and obtain a degree (43.4% versus 60.7%)”, explains Save the Children. Only just over half of the minors in downside socioeconomic, however, says that he will be able to do what want in life (54.7%) or what you want hear carried (59.5%). Percentages definitely superior among those with more favorable socioeconomic conditions: 75% and 77.8%. Family projects then play a decisive role. Have one family “Where we love each other” is seen as very important, along with having children and be a good parent (almost 80% of kids would like it). This is also part of that desire to ransom that one day, perhaps, it will arrive.

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