vandalism or intimidation? – Echo of Locride

vandalism or intimidation? – Echo of Locride
vandalism or intimidation? – Echo of Locride

She had been inaugurated recently two months in Pignera park-Giardini di Pitagora Of Crotone and it has already been done object of vandals’ hatred: or at least that’s what we want to think.

Let’s talk about ship St. Nikolausthe boat used by a dozen refugees to get to Crotone and transformed by the artist’s hand Massimo Sirellion behalf of the local association I remainin a dedicated work at the reception.

Last night unknown they entered the park that hosts it (the work is visible from the busy road via Giovanni Falcone) and then set it on fire front right of the vessel which, fortunately It didn’t completely catch fire. Fire put out come on fire fighters of the provincial command who, once alerted, rushed to the scene.

San Niokolaus was inaugurated, as we said, on March 27th after the “restyling” by Sirelli helped by the students of the address Artistic high school of the local institute “Pertini-Santoni”.

The wreck had been intercepted by the Carabinieri on the boardwalk Pythagorean in March 2020, with on board three Syrians, six Iraqis and three Iranians and then it was remained abandoned for years on the Molo Giunti and it was destined to demolition. However, at the request of the IoResto association, the Municipality then blocked its dismantling.

The objective of recovering San Nikolaos was also to establish the link between Crotone and the Mediterraneandrawing attention to the immigration drama, and promoting values ​​such as those of welcome, solidarity and inclusion.


“Once again an intimidating and incendiary act is perpetrated in Parco Pitagora” they comment from Jobelthe consortium that manages the important park citizen and who underline how the latter is the third fire within a few weeks.

The consortium therefore asks the authorities “greater protection and attention and the launch of in-depth investigations and above all particular prevention”.

“The situationthey state again from Jobelbecomes increasingly unsustainable. Many questions and concerns from members…: Who is bothered by the work of human, social and cultural regeneration being carried out at the Pythagoras Museum and Gardens? Why are these acts so frequent? Is this vandalism or targeted actions?”

“Coincidentally – they continue – these acts of vandalism always coincide with important actions by the Jobel consortium. In recent weeks the exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci has had an exceptional success with the public and the summer programming was underway. It is more urgent than ever to start the work to restore the cameras and fences and to better protect those who provide solidarity service to the community” conclude from the consortium.

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