Brescia weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 21 May


The weather forecast in Brescia for Tuesday 21 May they predict unstable weather conditions and widespread rain for much of the day. During the Nightstarting from 00:00one will be recorded moderate rain with cloud cover al 100%. Temperatures will be around +15.8°Cwith a perception of +16°C. The wind will blow a 7.3km/h coming from the North – North East, with gusts up to 11.3km/h. Humidity will be at 94% and atmospheric pressure a 1008hPa.

In the early hours of morningthe situation will not improve, with light rain and cloud cover at 100%. Temperatures will remain stable around +15-16°Cwith winds that could reach i 20km/h. Humidity will remain high around the 95%.

During the afternoonthe rain will become more intense, with rainfall reaching up to 10mm. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling around +14-15°C. The wind will blow with variable intensity between 5-20km/h, with stronger gusts. Humidity will remain high around the 98-99%.

In the evening, the rain will decrease in intensity, but the cloud cover will remain very high. Temperatures will remain around +13-14°C, with winds that will lose some intensity. Humidity will still remain high, around 98%.

In conclusion, the weather forecast in Brescia for Tuesday 21 May indicate a day characterized by widespread rain and cool temperatures. It is advisable to pay attention to the weather conditions and to equip yourself with suitable clothing to face the rain. Stay updated for any changes in the weather forecast for the next few days in Brescia.

All the weather data for Tuesday 21 May in Brescia

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