«Calabria is the Government’s priority. FdI will export the Italian model to Europe”

«Calabria is the Government’s priority. FdI will export the Italian model to Europe”
«Calabria is the Government’s priority. FdI will export the Italian model to Europe”

LOCRIS «Calabria is a priority and must be a priority». Thus the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies Maria Teresa Bellucci in Locri on the occasion of a visit to Calabria to launch the candidatures of the exponents of Fratelli d’Italia in view of the next European elections: the outgoing MEP Denis Nesci and the regional councilor Luciana De Francesco. With the deputy minister, as well as the two candidates, the regional councilor for Work and Training and exponent of FdI Giovanni Calabrese, who during his speech reiterated the need to implement concrete actions on the topic of work in Calabria: «Everyone the Calabrians are willing to stay, but they need answers and we are trying to create the right conditions”, he underlined. Mayor Giuseppe Fontana welcomed them in the council chamber of the Municipality of Locri.

Deputy Minister Bellucci: «We will change Europe by exporting the Italian model»

«The State is here and therefore the Italian government that I have the honor of representing is here in Locride to demonstrate the closeness in this territory, in this beautiful part of Italy that needs to be supported and encouraged», underlined the deputy minister of Labor and Social Policies of the Meloni Government, who added: «We are doing this with many measures, most recently with the Cohesion Decree which gives greater aid for work inclusion with contribution relief of up to 100% and up to 650 euros per month per worker. This is one initiative, but many others that we have carried out to ensure that every person can return to a free life, return to a dignified existence through work. The idea and the project – he added – that we have carried forward in these 18 months and that we will continue to carry forward is that of a nation that bases its culture on work, abandons mere welfare and gives support to people in order to be free , free to self-determine, free to build their own family, free to continue to remain in Italy and also in Calabria.
Fratelli d’Italia’s slogan at the European Championships is “With Giorgia, Italy changes Europe”. «We will do this – added Bellucci – by exporting the Italian model, what we have demonstrated in these 18 months, changing the paradigm of policies at a European level. We have done it in many different ways, our proposals have been welcomed, implemented and in some cases there is even a desire to imitate them on the part of other nations. One of them is migration policies. We have made a series of initiatives to ward off illegal immigration and not to mention the redistribution of immigrants who illegally enter Italy, but rather how to share cohesion and development cooperation policies that therefore also make it possible for those nations outside Europe , in the Mediterranean area, who are most in difficulty, get back on their feet, be able to develop and therefore create contexts of dignity and life. Lastly, in these very hours – the deputy minister finally explained – regarding the Italy-Albania agreement, which was followed by our Prime Minister, there is a request from other nations to be able to implement this management model of immigration and therefore of flows. In short, our idea is an idea linked to common sense, to an Italy that is proud, full of skills and that wants to tell this story, to participate in a Europe that builds and rebuilds its foundations starting from an identity and peoples who are recognized as such.”

Nesci: «Calabria at the center of this Government’s agenda»

«The closeness of the Government to this area is constant, we took a long tour and visited important realities especially linked to the third sector, but also to the business world». Thus MEP Denis Nesci who then added: «An important message from the Italian Government which pays constant attention to this region in all areas. Minister Lollobrigida came a few days ago, today the deputy minister of Labor, on Monday the undersecretary of Justice will be there. The presence in Calabria is constant because Calabria is at the center of this Government’s agenda.”

Luciana De Francesco: «I will bring more South, Calabria and Italy into the European dynamics»

«It is a challenge – explained the other candidate, the regional councilor Luciana De Francesco – which I truly take up with great pride and with great determination, a challenge that fills me with enthusiasm but also with great responsibility. My intent is to bring more Calabria, more South, more Italy into the European dynamics and also in these days of the electoral campaign I will try to worthily represent the political project of Giorgia Meloni and Fratelli d’Italia, trusting to deserve the support and therefore the trust of the citizens of the South also around the idea of ​​change that the Meloni government is embodying. There are many important challenges that grip our territory, the whole of Europe, starting with the geopolitical challenge. My contribution in this electoral campaign – he concluded – will be to bring back those values ​​that I consider fundamental: from the protection of families, of children, from the protection of the elderly, the sick, the most fragile and also with regard to the support of the agricultural world of businesses, especially small and medium-sized businesses.” (mr)

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